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Re: [ga] FW: ICANN meeting in Montevideo

On Sat, 25 Aug 2001, Jefsey Morfin wrote:

> I wish to remind you that I started discussing the ICANN money
> management. The candidacies are just an example. But let go.

My apologizes.  I always though that you was talking about only the issue
of unability of candidates to travel to the ICANN meeting in Uruguay
because economical constraints and how unfair is that some can travel and
some cannot travel, and about who funds such travels.  Clarifyed that is
not ICANN neither DNSO who funds actual candidates that either are NC
members or ICANN Board members actually, then we have understood that
candidatures activities no money should come from ICANN neither DNSO in
order to assure that ICANN treats of all them equally.

> True. The first thing is to accept there is a problem.
> Then to decide we want to solve it.
State what is the problem.

> >I am not agree with the philosophy of "pay to play".  However, the
> >conditions was like this since ICANN creation.  It is not now that we are
> >facing the same problem.
> This is not because we always did something wrong ....
I just want to clarify this statement:  "Pay to play" doesn't have to be
related with the right to vote.  Since 1999 the issue of "pay to play"
that I refer is the ability to attend meetings, even teleconferences.
And I want to clarify that ICANN has never taken away to anyone the right
ot vote only because cannot attend a meeting.
The particular issue of DNSO where now the right to vote is attached to
dues from a budget aprooved by the NC by majority are another issue.
ICANN hasn't said any word about it yet.  I consider that is outside the
scope of the NC to take away voting rights of constituencies (By Laws
in my understanding doesn give such power to the NC).  But the
last word on this issue ICANN has it.  Until then, clock is ticking
for every constituency.

> <snip>
> >I propose that instead of following discussing how unfair or not is the
> >system right now...begin to discuss all posible solutions...
> Let consider that everyone accepts the ICANN economy is to be
> reviewed (what I doubt, many staill have to be convinced, the "pay
> to give" being part of their culture), you cannot unfortunately jump
> at quick solutions.
> What you want to review is the ICANN business plan. This includes
> necessarily its mission, its organization, its products, its management.
If what you want to achieve is that DNSO, ASO and PSO be included in the
ICANN Budget first you have to change the By-Laws.

> So you must start with basics:
> - is this a corporation with its own survival and development goals
> - is this a common interest endeavor with the community goals.
In the By-Laws all of this are stated

> Then:
> - either what is its market
> - or who are its community members
By-Laws says it.

Best Regards

Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
IT Specialist
Sustainable Development Networking Programme/Panama
Tel: (507) 230-4011 ext 213
Fax: (507) 230-3455
e-mail: vany@sdnp.org.pa

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