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Re[2]: [ga] Best Practices/ who objects?

Saturday, Saturday, August 25, 2001, 9:06:36 PM, Eric Dierker wrote:

> Mr. Walsh,

> Most of the time you expound legal principals which are erroneous at best in that
> you have no legal or legal scholarly training and jump to ridiculous conclusions.
> Now you jump to research conclusions which reveal a whole new level of ignorance.
> The research you do not know and I have forgotten could fill a library.

> Show me one sentence in one place where one matter was voted upon that demands
> suspension.  Just one smart man.  If you can I shall self suspend for 48 hours.
> You may want to callaborate with Mr Svensson.  the offer remains open for 24
> hours.  Do not promote vagueness for a taking of a right should be very specific.

No one has claimed that suspensions were mandatory, according to the
VOTED ON RULES, they are at the discretion of the MODERATORS, subject
to appeal to the Chair.

No one has said otherwise.

A list monitor may impose 2 sanctions against offenders:

- Monitoring of posts. This will cause delay of postings from the affected 
  individual until a list moderator approves them as being within the content 
  rules, or rejects them
- Suspension of posting rights. This will cause mail from that person not to be
  sent to the GA list.

Both sanctions are imposed for a limited period of time (typically 2 weeks), 
and are announced on the mailing list. Repeat offenders may get correspondingly 
longer sentences (for instance 4 weeks for a second offense, 8 weeks for a third).
The period is decided by the list monitor.

Why you got on this diatribe I do not know.

I will say that I have lodged a complaint with the moderators about
your message above.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
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