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Re: [ga] ICANN | Advisory | 23 August 2001

Dear fellow netizens,

I just finished a fine tour of SouthEast Asia.  It just so happens I am in the biz
so I frequented Internet Cafes.  The extra stuff really hurt on time and actually
prohibited some reading.  On this list it is fairly easy; you pick the last in a
thread and get it all so you can avoid reading the full chronology, but that ends
up in 30 and the networks sometimes don't seem to have the umph necessary to bring
it up.

And so I said to myself while drinking coffee and waiting and watching, How many
members do not participate because they are on weak dial ups?  The answer is many,
many many!!  But that is a no brainer, Monday I start negotiations to bring those
places more of the umph.

We must grapple with this question always: Do we change our behavior because
technology lags behind, or do we continue on and force technology and money to
solve the problems?  I cannot write it but I have learned in four other languages
to ask "what came first the chicken or the egg?"  As a poly-wog I say we keep
pressing the envelope and my techno-weenies will beat us to the solution.  What
the hell is multilingualism if it is not bridging the digital divide.

In conclusion I guess I throw my hat in and say; *cut the tail off the comet, if
you have a light it will shine just as bright without displaying a legacy*


"William S. Lovell" wrote:

> Roeland Meyer wrote:
> > Apologize to all dial-up users if they feel that they have been disparaged.
> > Kent and Vany have valid points. Even many USA residents are still forced to
> > settle for dial-up lines. There are technical means to work around that
> > problem that many cannot avail themselves of (like having your own mail
> > server behind that dail-up link). I sometimes forget that not all of us here
> > are engineers and Unix jocks. My apologies to all, for that lapse.
> Excellent, Roeland!  Not everyone here is an ICANN expert, either, and
> I've always tried to push the idea that the GA is really a cross-section of
> all kinds of folks, some "Unix jocks," some attorneys, some whatever,
> all of whom have things of value to contribute, which they can do more
> readily if it is remembered that those whom they address may or may not
> be members of that person's own particular field of work. (To help show
> what all this ga list blather is all about anyway, I've added a couple more
> links to my sig file, kindly supplied by Elisabeth Porteneuve.)
> (I'm a trapped dial-in user: the Roads End region of Lincoln City, OR,
> on Sprint lines, has no DSL capability. :-(  )
> Bill Lovell

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