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[ga] Comets

Dear Dotcommoners,

Mr. Joop and Mr. Sandy are speaking quite well in your interests.  I am lead
to understand that among us dotcommoners 95% are on dial up.  Their logic and
concern is quite friendly, and I see absolutely no ulterior notions being
advanced here.

The one factor in argument against these propositions is that by leaving the
trail on the comet one can simply go to the last heading of the flight and
review the entire history in one lock on to the flight.  In other words if
you leave the entire thread history upon each post then anyone reading it can
ignore all prior posts on the thread and simply review one post and get it
all.  this is better for one who only reviews the list a couple times a week
but worse for those who stay up to beat on a several times a day basis.

For me I zero in on the personalities;  Jeff leaves it all, so if I am in an
Internet Cafe in the Philippines I avoid his posts unless I want the entire
history.  Sandy I can usually count on to properly snip and make a short
concise point. Unless I had unlimited time I would never pull my posts up;-}

The conclusion is that we should follow etiquette and make no law effecting
manners. Cowboys and Indians and Gentlemen should respect each other and
simply try not to offend.


Sandy Harris wrote:

> Joop Teernstra wrote:
> >
> >  Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales wrote:
> > >
> > >I appreacite that Kent has remember to all of us about this issue.
> > > ...
> >
> > He is totally right on this point. ...
> Yes.
> > Trimming messages is elementary courtesy towards those with bandwidth
> > constraints.
> It is critically important for those with limited modem bandwidth, but
> it is also better for the rest of us. In effect it saves bandwidth for
> the eyes and brain.
> For that matter, it also reduces load on the mailservers, saves storage
> space on servers, in the list archive and on recipients' disks, and
> saves bandwdith on the links between servers. These issues aren't as
> vital as the ones in the  previous paragraph, but they are worth
> considering.
> There's a FAQ on mailing list ettiquette:
> http://www.gweep.ca/~edmonds/usenet/ml-etiquette.html
> The section on this question:
> | When replying, should I quote the previous message?
> | Most certainly. You should always provide some context to your replies
> | so that people who may not have been following the thread closely, or
> | who have other things on their minds will easily be able to determine
> | what you're talking about.
> | However, when quoting, be very careful to edit the quoted sections down
> | to the bare minimum of text needed to maintain the context for your
> | reply. There is very little on a mailing list that is more annoying
> | than paging through a few pages of quoted text only to read a few lines
> | at the end. Also be careful that you clearly indicate what text you're
> | quoting (as opposed to what you're writing), and if possible, cite the
> | author of the original text.
> |
> | If your mail program wants to attach the whole message you're replying
> | to on the end of your replies, please do not let it do this if you can
> | possibly avoid it. It is a good thing to include excerpts from previous
> | messages with your replies to maintain a logical flow of discussion,
> | but it is almost always a bad thing to include the entire text of a
> | message being replied to, be it at the start or end of your reply.
> --
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