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(Fwd) Re: [ga] GA/DNSO Funding Issues

On 26 Aug 2001, at 11:23, Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales wrote:

> >  The common ground for the majority is access to the Internet.
> Yes, this is true.  But still we must work together with
> organizations, who knows, even governments, in order to assure that
> the stakeholders has a proper access.  Many participants of this
> process doesn't have a proper access to the Internet.

I wonder just how far afeild we should venture here.  When we 
speak of stakeholders we do include users, of course.  However, 
that assumes on a basic level, some access to the internet.

I do not think that ICANN is the relevant source for provision of
internet infrastructure for all persons and we could go way out of
bounds using that assumption.

I'm beginning to see the notion in some of these posts that 
providing access to the net is part of ICANN's responsibility.  It is
not.  It is, however, crucial that those who do have net access have
the opportunity to participate in the process in a meaningfull 

For those who cannot access the www, there is IRC chat 
participation  It is not perfect, but anyone with a modem 
connection can get at least chat and scribe notes.  For those more
fortunate, there is audio/video webcasting which at least allows 
with a 56k connection access in real time and/or archived replays.

IMO, it would be just wonderful if governments and other 
organizations could and would provide better infrastructure to users
and other stakeholders so that literally anyone who is interested
could participate in webcast meetings.  However, I would not go as 
as to expect that ICANN is the means for this provision.

I also believe that ICANN should provide webcasts of more of the
meetings than they do at this time and not allow private meetings at
all.  The so's meetings should be covered - any agenda meeting, for
that matter, IMO, at least in audio/chat.  That way, all stakeholders
would have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the 


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