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Re: [ga] Who Owns ICANN

Eric Dierker wrote:

> Who are these individuals?
> Paul Vixie,

See www.vix.com. His best-known projects are maintaining BIND (Berkeley Internet
Name Daemon, a DNS server) and running the Mail Abuse Prevention System with
its RBL (Realtime Blackhole List), an effective spam defense. 

> Vint Cerf
> Paul Montapitiris

A couple of the main designers of the Internet. A check at www.rfc-editor.org
shows the Cerf has written or co-authored a couple of dozen RFCs, going back
to 1981, and Mockapetris wrote all the basic DNS RFCs.

> Kim Hubbard

There's a Kim Hubbard among the authors of RFC 2050 or BCP 12:
Address given, as of 1996, is at Network Solutions. 

> Carolyn Chicone
> Greg Crew

I don't know. An RFC author search does not turn them up.
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