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Re: (Fwd) Re: [ga] GA/DNSO Funding Issues

On 26 Aug 2001, at 23:00, Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales wrote:

> I wonder if there is still people using UUCP for mail, and 14Kbps
> modems for access internet and participates in ICANN.

Of course there are, Vany.  In many countries, the bandwidth just 
isn't there to allow higher speed, or areas where phone lines just 
won't give you more than 14.400.  These are the folks that need the 
IRC chat.  It least it is a way to get scribe notes, if slowly.

My point was that anyone who does have an internet connection 
should be afforded a way to participate in all ICANN meetings, 
including any meeting on the agenda.  Those who do not have 
internet access and want it, are another story all together.  ICANN 
can do nothing to provide internet access to all citizens of the 
world.  I would love to see every individual provided with a computer 
and and access, but that is beyond the scope of what we are doing 

ICANN's stakeholders are those who are on the net now and 
concerned with addressing, domain names and protocols.  While 
organizations and governments work to provide access to 
individuals globally, ICANN should make every effort to guarantee 
participation by those who do have access.  

Few people have the means to physically attend f2f meetings.  
These are the people who must be included regardless of 
bandwidth.  It is fortunate that your SO has the capability of 
webcasting via audio.  I hope that you will also have the scribe and 
chat and archives/logs for those who cannot attend.  This is what 
ICANN should provide for all meetings on the agenda.  All 
stakeholders should be able to participate in a meaningful manner 
in the SO meetings as well as the public forums.  That includes 
being able to ask and answer questions just as the audience at 
those meetings do.  Let's not leave out any who wish to participate 
simply becasue of distance.  That's what the net is all about.

With full participation and a fully elected board (with nine at-large 
seats), ICANN could begin to look like something that does 
represent the global community.  Without it, we have a cartel of 
special interests ruling the net and paying lip service to us all.

Btw, in one post it was mentioned that it is hard on those who have 
to attend remotely at 2:00 am.  Yes, it is inconvenient.  I have 
participated in meetings where I had to stay up all night to do so.  
Oh well.  Everyone who wishes to attend will have to plan at some 
time during the year to alter their schedules.  This time, it will be 
during the day for me for the first time. Even when the meetings are 
in MDR, meetings begin three hours earlier for me.  In Yokohama, 
it was twelve hours.  In Melbourne, it was ten or eleven hours. 
That's just the way it goes.  Life is not convenient.


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