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Re: [ga] GA/DNSO Funding Issues

To all those concerned with Internet Access:

It is not the call of ICANN to take an action as ICANN regarding Internet Access.
ICANN should be sensible to this but is not ICANN task to take an action from its
own mission and/or Bylaws.

In  ICANN participates people and organisations from different backgrounds.  And,
who is really called to take an action regarding providing communications and
internet access are all those people and organisations participating in ICANN
(including government and International Cooperation Agencies) to reach such

For example:   There is the X country that doesn't have a ccTLD yet.   ICANN will
not search neither move a finger for such X country to have Internet Access nor an
ISP.  But once, the X country has internet access and an ISP that engage in
development of the internet in such country, then such ISP comes to ICANN to request
for the delegation of a ccTLD that corresponds to such X country and then ICANN
facilities all information needed and redelegates such ccTLD.
Maybe in the process, an ICANN Board member or a GA member or a constituency member
realize that they need more help in their connectivity and setting up a ccTLD...then
such person in the name of his/her organization offers their help and cooperation.

Here this means, that call to contribute with development of means to give people
more and more access to internet, is a task of everyone here as persons and
organizations, as governments, as telcos, as ISPs, as bussines, as non-commercials,
But don't expect that ICANN begins to take an action in this.

However, ICANN as such, should be sensible to limitations for those wanting to
contribute with this process by using technology that is of easy and requires low
bandwith access, for not limit such contributions.   Also ICANN may voluntarily
contribute with Internet Accessibility by donating money or searching amongst its
members who wants to make contribution in this issue to those organizations that are
engaged primarily and its main task is to allow access to Internet to more people.

Those wanting to deal with the Social aspect of the Internet, please refer to the
following website:
http://www.istf.org   This is the Internet Societal Task Force.  Internet
Accesibility Issues and Internet for All al dealt within this group.    I must say
that people as Vinton Cerf and Alejandro Pisanty are members of the ISTF and they
are really concern about Internet Accessibility issue.

Best Regards

Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
Information Technology Specialist
Sustainable Development Networking Programme/Panama
e-mail: vany@sdnp.org.pa

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