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Re: [ga] Re: GA/DNSO Funding

Jefsey and all assembly members,

  Thank you Jefsey for your considerations on this thread as well
as much of the content contained within in your comments (See Below).
As the elected representative of our organization, I have a few
comments to your comments.  (See more below)

Jefsey Morfin wrote:

> Dear Mike,
> you respond on budget, i.e. expenses. Here we are interested in economy.
> The revenues, where they come from, why, decided upon which long term
> stability considerations? The consequence on the type of expenses and on
> the mission creep. A general audit is necessary before stabilizing operations.

  Our members would like to see a "Detailed" audit done, as well as an
active participant in the budgeting process and decisions on what is
spent where and how those funds are to be collected.  This seems to
be the area that is of greatest importance to many stakeholders which
I have received a huge number of inquiries about.

> For example, is it acceptable that a leading international industry rely on
> donations: in most of the cultures this is understood as organized bribery.

  As long as the international entity (Industry member) is a non-profit or
tax exempt entity, it must under US law derive most of it's budget from
donations.  These donations should nt be considered a form of
bribery as you seem to be concerned about here Jefsey.

> The image of the whole thing obviously suffers from this and the economy is
> hesitant about relying on "sponsoring" as everyone knows that it descreases
> in time/

  Not all "Sponsoring" activities decrease over time.  Many well known ones
have consistently increased.

> Costs, prices, revenues, trends are to be analyzed and understood. ICANN is
> to foster competition but competition to itself.

  I am not sure what you are referring to here Jefsey.  But competition in the
Registry and Registrar areas of the DNS as well as for IP Registries, should
be considered separate.  ICANN should only act as a technical advisory
to these entities.  Currently however ICANN is supposed to also act
as "Policeman" for the Registrars and Registries as the contractual arrangements
in the Registry and Registrar contracts indicate such, and the MoU and
White Paper require ICANN to do so.  However, in that none of the
Registry or Registrar contracts specifics were determined or approved
by the stakeholders, the mess that has resulted was warned against,
and now the stakeholders are reaping what the ICANN BoD and staff
planted.  This problem can be corrected, but it would require a fundamental
change in which these Contracts are determined for the status quo.

> No acrimony meant. Help intended. No one can be its own control as Staff
> has to do; no one can both run the short term and spend his time
> considering the long term.

  True.  But one can divide his/her time to run the short term and
consider as well as plan for the long term.

> I studied carefully your "Roberts_paper". It obviously carries many good
> points. But I am surprised as you ballance between all-ICANN and
> less-ICANN, without investigating other-ICANN. As if the current
> [out-dated] founding concepts where fully appropriate.

  Good point!

> You know that
> everyone at Staff, BoD and SOs wants to do his best and you trimed the
> bylaws enough: this should show you that problem is deeper and that a new
> bylaws chance is not enough.

  Also a good point here!  I would differ that all of the staff, BoD and
SO rep's really wish to do his/her best however...  Many seem to wish to
push their own agenda's upon the statkeholders to which they are supposed
to represent.  This is not uncommon, but is also not acceptable.

> IMHO the target is now to use thinking and experience - and you have plenty
> - to find the ICANN's real equilbrium principles in the real world of
> today. Economy is part of it, as are administration, user representation...
> etc.  But compared with others economy is simple, so it is a good place to
> start with.

  Good points here as well!  Well done!

  It is important to consider the global economy as a entragal part of
deciding and implementing policy.  This is the single biggest reason
why the stakeholders collectively should be doing this, and the
BoD and staff should only see to it's implementation and
enforcement/managment.  In other the BoD and staff should
be in a servant role.

> All the best.
> Jefsey
> On 01:21 28/08/01, Mike Roberts said:
> >Danny -
> >
> >The Budget Group is only one part of the ICANN budget process.  That
> >process has been and continues to be open to anyone or any organization
> >for participation and contribution.  In the first quarter of the calendar
> >year, a Preliminary budget is posted by the staff for community review and
> >comment, both electronic and at the first quarterly public forum.  Then a
> >proposed budget is posted in the second quarter for further review and
> >comment prior to adoption by the Board in June.  A public comment website
> >forum is maintained. See Appendix B of the Proposed Budget document for
> >the specific calendar that was followed this year.
> >
> >http://www.icann.org/financials/proposed-budget-14may01.htm
> >
> >Stuart Lynn tells me that he intends to accelerate the budget development
> >process this coming year, with initial opportunities for participation and
> >contribution to begin immediately after the annual meeting in Marina del
> >Rey in November.
> >
> >- Mike
> --
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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