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Re: [ga] Status of the Review Task Force

On Tue, 4 Sep 2001 15:58:37 -0400 , "Gomes, Chuck"
<cgomes@verisign.com> wrote:

>I would assume that the primary way of implementing policy with ccTLDs would
>be via contracts with ICANN, just like with gTLDs.
>My question was really oriented toward whether or not people thought that
>the competitive marketplace should be relatively level for all competitors
>in the same market (e.g., open TLDs).  Some apparently think that that is
>not necessary; in other words, some think it is okay to apply different
>standards to some registries than to others, thereby putting some at a
>possible disadvantage.  With the possible exception of policies relating to
>local laws and customs, I tend to think that the competitive playing field
>should be as level as possible.  And I think it is important to realize that
>this is not just a .com issue.  Should the new registries have more rigid
>restrictions in operating their businesses than ccTLD registries with whom
>they are competing?

This looks at it from a totally wrong perspective IMO - that of making

.nz is an open TLD.  Anyone can register in it.  However it is not
marketed in competition with gTLDs, it is not operated to make
profits, it is operated to serve the local internet community.

It would be repugnant to have policies like the UDRP imposed on ccTLDs
with nor regard to local law or just as importantly what serves the
local community best.

ICQ 29964527
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