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[ga] Broader World Community Responsibility

Leaders and dotcommoners,

Over the last 48 hours of crisis I have received three phone calls, and
over 200 emails from around the world.  I watched and heard the
repeating of far more web site emergency addresses than toll-free
numbers.  I read and heard of countless accounts that e-mail was the
best form of communication to learn of important information on family
and friends.  No the Internet has not surpassed or even caught up with
the phone in popularity of use, but it has dramatically shown its'
importance during this time.

I ask for and propose a brown ribbon working group be established to
analyze how the assignment of names and numbers within the internet may
be even more of a contributor.  A focus on inclusiveness in
communication and participation for prevention of scenarios which lead
to violence instead of communication and a focus on preparedness when
prevention fails.

The term brown ribbon is in direct reflection that the group not be
experts but common netizens who will reach out to experts for
understanding and input.  Bottoms-up with expert advice as opposed to
top down with bottoms-up advice.

I submit that this will be done and the only question is who will take
the lead in making it happen.  While I am extremely critical of ICANN, I
am also its' biggest fan in that somehow every time I try, ICANNTALK on
the Internet. (so I don't always listen, sorry)

ICANN has taken on this responsibility and is the only worldwide body
capable of managing it at this time.  The GA is the current most
inclusive body, by demographics, perhaps on earth.  By the blind luck of
practicing global interaction everyday, on tough subjects, it has the
most capable World Wide Web and Internet and Country Code people

I ask most humbly that our leadership stand up and take part in making
the world a better place by implementing the stewardship of the Internet
in progressive and responsible manner.

Eric Dierker

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