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Re: [ga] Adoption of Resolution

A hearty thank you to Roberto and Roeland for their contributions.

As always they are quick to point out real existing problems and perhaps more
importantly potential problems.

I especially appreciate their application of sound judgment here as we all know
they are men deeply committed to proper cultural representation.  I hope there
is someone who is retooling my notion (not motion) into a more correct concept.

OTOH,  Joop do we really need all this restructuring.  I am impatient with the
constant delays and studies.  Every reconstruction idea seems to allow
beauracratic compromises to the detriment of the users/holders.
Can you give us some light from the end of the tunnel.  Sometimes it feels like
walking up a steep incline in loose snow or sand.


Roeland Meyer wrote:

> |> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
> |> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:11 AM
> |>
> |> Please adopt the following;
> |> We in the General Assembly of the Domain Name Support
> |> Organization are
> |> committed
> |> and endorse the following principals:
> |>
> |> There are no nationalities which we hold above or below any other
> |> nationality.
> |> All cultures are equal within our perspective.
> |> All ethnic groups are equal and good.
> |> There are no nations or cultures or ethnicity's which
> |> deserve more or less of our respect.
> |> We are committed to making each and every voice heard.
> |> We are committed to bridging the gaps of cultural, digital
> |> and linguistic differences.
> |> As we commit to Internet stability we commit to Nations which help to
> |> commit to World stability.
> As we have just been shown, there are those that are against other ways of
> life. They practice an extreme form of intolerance. They are the avowed
> enemies of everyone here. Turning the other cheek will not work. They
> require total submittal to their demands. There is no negotiation. They are
> not insane within their culture either. It should worry you, that there are
> people dancing in the streets, with joy, at the news of the WTC tragedy.
> These are rational people with a deeply felt belief that western culture is
> the work of the devil. Their parents, neighbors, and loved ones are proud of
> them and praise them for their sacrifice. They will die for their belief.
> This is now proven beyond a shadow of doubt.
> The principles you provide here ignore the above. Even, turn a blind eye to
> them. I believe that this may be self-delusional. It ignores the fact that
> there are irreconcilable enemies out there, of culture, etnicity, society,
> and belief. More importantly, it commits the organization, in blanket
> fashion, to bridging *every* gap. Many of which, are not bridgible. I can
> commit to a best-effort attempt, but let us please realise the reality, even
> in our mission statements.
> Also, we must be careful that the internet isn't seen as a cultural amoeba
> either.
> --
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