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RE: [ga] Adoption of Resolution

|> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
|> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:11 AM
|> Please adopt the following;

|> We in the General Assembly of the Domain Name Support 
|> Organization are
|> committed
|> and endorse the following principals:
|> There are no nationalities which we hold above or below any other
|> nationality.
|> All cultures are equal within our perspective.
|> All ethnic groups are equal and good.
|> There are no nations or cultures or ethnicity's which 
|> deserve more or less of our respect.

|> We are committed to making each and every voice heard.
|> We are committed to bridging the gaps of cultural, digital 
|> and linguistic differences.
|> As we commit to Internet stability we commit to Nations which help to
|> commit to World stability.

As we have just been shown, there are those that are against other ways of
life. They practice an extreme form of intolerance. They are the avowed
enemies of everyone here. Turning the other cheek will not work. They
require total submittal to their demands. There is no negotiation. They are
not insane within their culture either. It should worry you, that there are
people dancing in the streets, with joy, at the news of the WTC tragedy.
These are rational people with a deeply felt belief that western culture is
the work of the devil. Their parents, neighbors, and loved ones are proud of
them and praise them for their sacrifice. They will die for their belief.
This is now proven beyond a shadow of doubt.

The principles you provide here ignore the above. Even, turn a blind eye to
them. I believe that this may be self-delusional. It ignores the fact that
there are irreconcilable enemies out there, of culture, etnicity, society,
and belief. More importantly, it commits the organization, in blanket
fashion, to bridging *every* gap. Many of which, are not bridgible. I can
commit to a best-effort attempt, but let us please realise the reality, even
in our mission statements.

Also, we must be careful that the internet isn't seen as a cultural amoeba
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