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Re: [ga] Registrars Draft: Transfers

"Ross Wm. Rader" wrote:

> Something I've always wanted to ask - how can Gandi confer ownership when in
> fact, it is not yours to confer? What I mean is, ICANN and the registries
> deal with "Registered Name Holders" and not "owners" - what does Gandi do
> that allows them to confer ownership of the domain upon the registrant?
> Note: This is not a loaded question, rather, just an honest one.
> -rwr

Nah this is an awesome question,  Just for starters;

When you live in So. Cal. and are by penalty of fines and imprisonment required
to recycle your beer bottle is it possible to own it when you buy it at the

When you put 40 thousand down on a house but the bank carries the mortgage do
you own your house?  When you "buy" your car?

Possession is 9/10ths of the law?  Fee simple absolute subject to condition
subsequent?  You can assign a chose in action but does that mean it can be

These are not silly notions they are very important.  We are at a frontier and
the determination of how "property rights" are owned have impacts on matters
such as land rushes and homesteading and authority of the crown and
(Natives=ccTLDs?, Alt roots?). Who gets the booty from the newly exploited
territories?  Right now it is all in the hands of the Crown (ICANN) and the
Mayflower Corporation (Verisign), when can us settlers claim a homestead, and
will we have a right to defend that homestead?  Boston Tea Party and Right to
Arms. Taxation with/without representation.

It is fun for us dotcommoners in the GA because we get to fight with the natives
in front hand over half our treasure and still fight with the establishment in
the rear.

Sincerely, your loyal subject,

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