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Re: [ga] Re: We can't be against it?

Dear Danny,
as you know the document you quote does not represent the DNSO/BC positions 
as it has been published in violation of every DNSO/BC rules.( 
http://www.bizconst.org/bcmain.htm )..

A reconsideration procedure is pending.

But you are right the agenda is to take advantage from the 11th Sept. 
Incident to declare inclusive roots terrorists, probably @large activists 
too. The GAC will also be pushed towards a better control of the ccTLDs.

This is sad and much unprofessional. Most of the "single authoritative 
root" integrists never read a DNS file and never the less "commit" 
themselves, their county and the world to the most stupid risk out of their 
pure and only pride to know better what they ignore.  .

The MdR meetings will be quite boring (talking during three days about the 
ICANN as the single point of BS (bad security) of the Internet). Under that 
circumstances ....


On 22:33 29/09/01, DannyYounger@cs.com said:
>Rick Wesson wrote:
>"Marilyn, please define the context you wish to discuss security, and
>stability.  They are great words to be thrown around and I encourage real
>discussion on just what you mean by stability."
>On behalf of the Business Constituency, Marilyn drafted the August 2001
>Position Paper on Alternate Roots wherein she writes:
>"The BC notes that confusion between naming schemes within the DNS and roots
>operated outside of the DNS, pose a severe threat to the stability of the
>Internet and it's ability to ensure reliability and integrity in supporting
>global electronic commerce and communications.  Any threat to the stable and
>reliable resolvability with uniqueness in the naming system of the Internet
>will cause user confusion, raise new opportunities for consumer fraud, and
>cause potential harm to all users of the infrastructure worldwide.  Alternate
>roots, and mechanisms which create confusion related to the authoritative
>nature of the root with its assurance of global uniqueness, may represent
>destabilizing factors to the global uniqueness of the Internet's naming
>It would be fair to ask if Marilyn is now invoking "security and stability"
>as a thinly veiled means to once more attack the alternate roots.
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