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Re: [ga] We can't be against it?

Check out these two threads.  I think that we are boiling down to how to oppose
the BoD and Staff and not about what we oppose.  I suggest a two pronged
attack.  Sometimes you can follow me and my antisocial behavior and sometimes
you can follow pleasant well worn tactics such as David suggests are
appropriate.  I have more reason to hate litigation than most and with that
thought I suggest we use the other Estate and we use this horrible state of
affairs to our favor and invoke the press.

I did not make the rules.  I do not like the game.  But damn it, it is time we
started playing it like the BoD and Staff and Verisign.  Let us stop acting like
a professional group above the rules and get down and dirty and win.  WOW what a
group this is!  When I start ticking of our reservoir of talent, skill,
education and passion I find no better or more important think tank in the world
- ever.  Just start with Judith and Ellen, then move through with Roberto and
Jefsey, switch to William and Michael, Joanna and Jeff, Roeland, David, Bret and
all the names in between closing with Karl, Milton, Sotiris and Danny.  All we
lack is the clear focus and singleness of purpose to achieve true global

Now I am seeing the sub lists as a possible source of benefit.  development of
position papers to be streamlined into the media.  Not consensus based but just
a place where the geniuses can write a position and someone has a list of
interested media outlets and gets it out.  Look we are hamstrung by consensus
and yet the BoD and Staff rule by fiat.  Lets start using their model and just
publish, lets start declaring truth not arriving at it.

Just some ideas,

Jeff wrote:
Dave and all assembly members,

  As we [INEGroup] had predicted, this task force, and I personally suspect
the rest of them is just another white wash exercise for the purposes of
selective censorship and self aggrandizement.

  And the saga continues....

DPF wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 15:33:33 EDT, DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:
> >There is no "Task Force".  There is only a slick effort on the part of Phil
> >Sheppard to deny you your rights.  If you choose to remain complacent about
> >it, that is your prerogative.  I, for one, intend to raise my voice.
> I didn't say I disagreed with your conclusions, just commented that a
> frontal attack isn't always the best way to achieve one's goals.
> --
Roeland Meyer wrote:

> If that's the sort of stuff they are going to talk about then the MdR
> meeting has no value-add for MHSC. If they are going to go into competition
> with MHSC security services, then I have even more reason to stop
> contribution to the ICANN process. If they are even going to think that they
> can tell MHSC not to sell and run our zone servers then thay can PUAR and
> show us the court order, and Sexton can be thankful that he's in Toronto. If
> they're going to try and restrict distribution of the root zone file then
> our FOIA papers are already filled out, since I've been expecting that move
> for some time now.

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