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Re: [ga] November 13 GA meeting

On 06:10 01/10/01, Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law said:
>I believe the passivity is a sign of total demoralization.

Dear Michael,
you want the ICANN to survive to protect your business :-) !!! Could we see 
that another way?

The internet is a distributed system. As such it is extemely resilient. It 
has only one weakness: that many people are not yet fully able to think in 
terms of interconnections and have still to think in term of connections. I 
say many still think "net" while others "inter" conceptualize (Joe Sims 
still dreams bilateral contracts).

Such a weakness translates into the DNS root theories (there is actually no 
root but a TLD registry service directory). It translates into the ICANN 
which is a condemned attempt at dominance rather than a shared governance. 
It is the ALSC restrictive and politicized report instead of an help to the 
@lagre Network Association to develop. etc... Victor Hugo had a word for 
that: "small".

Stuart's proposition is absurd and people feel or realize that. MdR will 
make plain that the ICANN is the Internet security weakness: it will be the 
conclusion of the debate if it is professionnal, it will be the conclusion 
of the attendees and of the press if the debate is amateurish. People on 
this GA know that, even those who are religious about the ICANN (Dave 
Crocker wrote probably the most intelligent things on security these days). 
So they let ICANN hang itself: the joke had to be over sometime.

Now, there are real issues we can discuss - and we are starting doing it:

- urgent term solution about root servers: testing of a duplicate root 
server galaxies for ccTLDs - serious coordination of the value 
added/extended inclusive roots services - action against TLD squatting, 
etc...  We cannot continue having 6 root servers out of 13 on the most 
dangerous spot of the planet toghether with  25.000.000 DNs on the same 
name server system and backup.

- short term solution: the end of the root concept and a more stable and 
open resolver system for all as per the 1978 international public service 
naming plan. The root is updated once a month even less; everyone can have 
it on his computer, and protecting oneself from any mad hacking or bombnig. 
Every site may have aliases on different open TLDs or ccTLDs in case of 
.com problem.

- medium term solution: IPv6. The security weakness here is lack of 
education and of debate.

Some time down the road there will be a dramatic revamp of the ICANN: Joe 
Sims will have to quit. I have nothing personal against Joe - execept that 
I sent him a polite and documented letter he never cared to respond. But 
his conceptions are so outdated that it is time for him to retire.

This is no demoralization but good news for all.

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