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RE: [ga] Review Task Force report

Jeff, et all...

Regarding the agenda item of the chair of the GA...

I just looked up the request on
It was William Walsh.
The E-mail appears below

Jeff, as a names council member, I support the idea that any member of
the GA may submit a request to the NC intake. Your comment:

"  Small wonder that the NC Agenda has this item on it.  Indeed it does
not belong on the NC agenda.  However the NC has the right and the
ability to do so should they so choose."

Is not appropriate. A GA member submitted that request, it did not
originate in the NC

Peter de Blanc
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William X Walsh" <william@userfriendly.com>
To: <philip.sheppard@aim.be>
Cc: <ga@dnso.org>
Sent: 23 September 2001 09:51
Subject: GA Chair

I'd like to renew my request to the Names Council to ask them to
consider, at their next meeting, a recall of their appointment of
Danny Younger as the DNSO GA Chair, and request that they schedule a
new nomination and election process to be started to fill that
position with someone who can be effective in that role.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
Userfriendly.com Domains

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter de Blanc [mailto:pdeblanc@usvi.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 8:31 AM
To: 'Jeff Williams'; 'Joop Teernstra'
Cc: 'ga@dnso.org'
Subject: RE: [ga] Review Task Force report

Jeff, et all.

The reason that the item is on the NC agenda is that someone in the GA
submitted it to the intake committee.

Speaking for myself, when the item comes up, I would recommend sending
it back to the GA, where it belongs.

Peter de Blanc

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org] On Behalf Of Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 6:25 AM
To: Joop Teernstra
Cc: ga@dnso.org
Subject: Re: [ga] Review Task Force report

Joop and all assembly members,

Joop Teernstra wrote:

> At 18:48 2/10/01 +0000, Roberto Gaetano wrote:
> >Can somebody explain me why we talk about replacing a Chair that is
> >doing something, even if not everybody agrees with him, and not 
> >rather an Alternate Chair, that is completely absent?
> Roberto and Danny,
> Let me not be misunderstood. Perhaps I should not have reacted to the
> provocative postings of WXW at all, but now I see that the item has 
> actually been placed on the NC agenda.

  Small wonder that the NC Agenda has this item on it.  Indeed it does
not belong on the NC agenda.  However the NC has the right and the
ability to do so should they so choose.

> I do not support any attempt to replace our elected Chair.

  Nor do I.  As far as I know WXW and Peter seem to be the only' ones
thus far the seem to desire to.

> All I'm saying is that we lack a procedure to do such ourselves *if*
> it ever would be needed.

 Such procedures must be decided by majority vote by the GA members.
Thus far motions put forth for such procedures have been refused a
ballot by the GA secretariat.  Therefore such procedures of this nature
do not exist and are likely not to in the near term.  However, lack of
such procedures is a minor issue at present as there are MUCH more
pressing issues that the GA and the DNSO need to address.

> Our alt-Chair's absence, I believe, is due to illness. Therefore I
> keep encouraging Danny to appoint Chairs to some of the sublists to 
> help him bringing order in the chaos.

  There is not chaos that I can see at the moment to address, Joop.  If
you believe there is, please state clearly and concisely what the nature
of your perception of "The Chaos" is.  Failing to do so, leaves great
doubt in your perception...

  Appointment of Chairs for the now rarely used "Sub-Lists" which have
plainly shown to divide rather than to assist in policy making within
the GA, is an improper approach to such determination.  Should such a
determination be necessary, a VOTE by the GA members is the proper
procedure to affect such a solution...



Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!)
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