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Re: [ga] .info irregularities

What disturbs me most about the dotster.com pre-registration process is the
fact that there is no longer a public record of the dotster pre-registration
winning bid queue.  When we "won" our bid for the .info registration, I was
able to verify our winning bid by checking back with dotster shortly after the
extended Phase 2 pre-registration deadline period.  The dbase with their
winning bid pre-registration queue information is no longer available for
public perusal, and they (as yet) have sent no confirmation of our "winning
bid". In one response which they sent me *today*, they write:

The process of bidding is complete and the domain owners have been selected. 
We are still in the process of doing all the billing to the large number or
customer's who have successfully bid on their domain.  However, this is a
lengthy process and we will not be able to list each recipient of the domain
until we have successfully billed their credit card.  This means that if you
go to the .Info Whois and it says that Dotster is the Registrar, you have not
been billed.  This entire process for all of our customers should be complete
later than Wednesday afternoon.  At this time, all awarded domains will have
the correct owner information and be in the correct account."

1) it's going on two weeks after the pre-registration bid deadline and I have
yet to receive confirmation on my winning bid with respect to the dotster
pre-registration dbase-- a record which ALL winning bid pre-registrants should
have made available to them since,

2) with no record (public or otherwise) of the "correct accounts" there is
really no way to verify if the correct accounts are filled with the correct
registration, and therefore no way to prove any domain hijacking/misplacing at
the registrar level.

I find all of this to be a matter of serious concern.

Most Sincerely,

Sotiris Sotiropoulos
        Hermes Network Inc.
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