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[ga] RE: [ALSC-Forum] QUI TAM

Stephen wrote:

>For the record, I would be willing to sign an Amicus Curiae or whatever
>if a suit ever came about along these lines... not as a lawyer, just a
>"guy on the street."

So would I!  Any lawyers out there interested in some pro bono work?!

Bruce Young
Client Engineering
Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications
Phone: 503.466.6571
Fax: 503.466.6775
E-mail:  Bruce.Young@nwdc.ibs-lmco.com

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-forum@www.atlargestudy.org
[mailto:owner-forum@www.atlargestudy.org]On Behalf Of Stephen Waters
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 7:40 AM
To: Eric Dierker
Cc: Donald Simon; 'forum@atlargestudy.org'; 'ga@dnso.org';
'discuss@icann-ncc.org'; 'icann-europe@lists.fitug.de'
Subject: Re: [ALSC-Forum] QUI TAM

For the record, I would be willing to sign an Amicus Curiae or whatever
if a suit ever came about along these lines... not as a lawyer, just a
"guy on the street."

On Tue, 2001-09-25 at 23:15, Eric Dierker wrote:
> I clipped the tail off this comet but it is easily referred to;
> Some of us can only look at the record.  Some of us can only trust, when
> there
> is some dispute, the written words agreed to by the parties involved.
> Mr.
> Roberts reminds me of WC Fields when he used to say "who you gonna
> believe me -
> or your eyes?".  Some of us live by the rules of a civilized society.
> {it is
> fair that we argue what this means regarding strict voting rights and
> freedom of
> speech and privacy} However no one doubts that matters such as lying,
> terrorism
> and breaking your promise intentionally without cause are wrong. (I
> promise to
> repay a debt and you give me money based upon that promise and I have
> the money
> but refuse to repay you and that is wrong)
> ICANN promised to act a certain way and in reliance upon this promise
> were
> awarded the contract with DoC and all its attending goodness.  They have
> the
> ability but refuse to conform to their promise.  That sucks and the
> perpetrators
> of such heinous dishonesty should be brought to terms.
> I have played a little research and found that John Browns Ferry brought
> about a
> great law called a QUI TAM and that Abe Lincoln signed it and brought
> down one
> of the great terrorist traitors of our civil war.  It is kind of fun
> with a
> ninety day filed in camera under seal thing while the feds look at
> whether or
> not they want to handle it with subrosa investigation.  But all in all
> it allows
> us in the GA to sue ICANN for breaching the agreement with and stealing
> from the
> DoC.  It would be fun to see if a non-citizen can join in the suit.
> Could one of you sharp Lawyer dudettes or dudes look into it and let us
> know.  I
> believe all fondly elected board members would be liable for their
> salary and it
> appears that Jones and Day would owe all their fees back, of course we
> would
> only get a percentage of the amounts recovered and a fully elected board
> by a
> true electorate.  My research shows that these could and would be
> handled on a
> contingency by the lawyers.
> Food for thought, and I hereby give my signature to the class action,
> have at it
> Law Professors!
> Eric
> Donald Simon wrote:
> > I am writing as a member of the NAIS team (ANGO and Academic ICANN
> > in response to the lengthy analysis of our study that Joe Sims posted
> > the recent ICANN meeting in Montevideo.

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