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[ga] Re[2]: ICANN and Internet Security and Stability Protection?

  • To: Michiel Leenaars <M.A.G.J.Leenaars@isoc.nl>
  • Subject: [ga] Re[2]: ICANN and Internet Security and Stability Protection?
  • From: Jefsey Morfin <jefsey@wanadoo.fr>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 17:50:39 +0200
  • Cc: icp4@yahoogroups.com, ga@dnso.org
  • In-Reply-To: <12223070687.20011011154807@isoc.nl>
  • References: <><><><>
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org

Dear Michiel,
On 16:48 11/10/01, Michiel Leenaars said:
>Hello Jefsey,
>JM> The idea is to work out an analysis methodology and a modelization with
>JM> observatories and test criteria. From then to create an Internet Security
>JM> and Stability Protection Advisory Committee to Govs and Governance 
>Would a new organisation not stand the same risks as the old ones?

I do not think so. This is one of the reasons why it must be independent. 
Its role is to check others while all the others check it. It is not a 
matter of new or old: it is a matter of specialization. Nothing new under 
the sun: common Justice is better served if the judge is not one of the 

>My experience is that starting from scratch is necessary sometimes,
>and stupid most of the times. There would need to be a lot of
>cooperation with all the organisations in the field anyway, simply
>to get all the expertise and cooperation. An open framework such as
>ISOC (member based society, mother organisation to IETF, IAB, etc)
>might be a good way to embed such an activity - so that it won't
>crash down after initial success.

We are beyond the ISOC field. The ISOC (I am a Member) serves the Internet. 
Here the target is to serve the world. Let say that a Military Officer 
Association may help a lot in reorganizing an Army. Political parties are 
to assess the national defense policy.

>JM> This being used to filter out/in innovations and proposed changes.
>There's plenty of people doing that, most notably the IAB and IESG,
>and I really can't see anyone doing a better job. These are all
>very very senior people, mandated by the IETF-members (who have
>a very broad background) and refreshed regularly. There will be
>little room for a new organisation, unless it is backed by
>established others.

Again, this is not the same scope. Obviously ISOC, IAB, IESG people are 
welcome. But also are NATO, Russian and Chinese Generals, also are OPEP 
people, also are National Bar Association also are Bank Association , 
Airlines, Media, TM owners, Churches, Police, Intelligence people, Consumer 
associations, etc..etc... The people you list are the providers, the people 
concerned as the users.

When you consider road security and traffic stability, the road builders 
and architects are obviously concerned, but government calls too on car 
makers, police, gas stations, drivers clubs, garage franchises, environment 
association, consumer organizations, political parties, mayors, driver 
unions, etc...

The target is not to criticize but to help working together ways towards 
security, stability and  improvement. A simple example: ignorance is often 
a reason of distrust and internal distrust is a security and stability 
weakness. To have all the bodies you quote and many others sharing into the 
Internet Governance to study and agree on a common frame to present their 
organization may help reducing the distrust and by the same token 
dramatically help their outreach efforts through the resulting synergy.

Another one: EEC has published a White Book on Governance and Belgium would 
like Governance to be the next European challenge after the Euro. How to 
govern ourselves together. No one has analyzed the Internet Governance yet 
as such , however all of us share into a real and often long experience on 
the matter. Internet governance is certainly an important experience we can 
bring to Europe. Its security and stability analysis too. What is true for 
Europe is true for every other country in the world.

A last one: during the last campaign for DNSO election to the BoD I 
initiated a cross candidate proposition I hope Amadeu Abril i Abril who has 
been happily elected will support. This is very simple thing: that every 
governance proposition includes a small part explaining who it contributes 
to reducing the lingual, financial and digital divides. A very small thing, 
but probably a real stability  and mutual security factor.

Best regards.
Jefsey Morfin

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