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Re: [ga] The position of the GA?

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 21:45:25 EDT, DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

>So far there have been restructuring position papers put forth by the 
>registrars, the business constituency, the gTLD registries, and the ALSC.  
>The gTLDs have referenced the concept of the Open Forum (GA) in this 
>"If Supporting Organizations are created to reflect the views of particular 
>groups, there should be some new cross-SO mechanism to facilitate inter-SO 
>deliberation on policies that might affect various SOs and to generate 
>documented consensus (on the basis of which the Board could take action)."
>The General Assembly membership should contribute to this debate as well.  I 
>would ask those that have already shown an interest in this topic, Kent 
>Crispin, David Farrar, Joop Teenstra, Ross Rader, and Tim Langdell, among 
>others, to assist in leading a discussion that would result in a GA position 

This is an interesting area.  One option is to look on the SOs as
different Houses of Parliament and hence what the US does is to have a
joint House-Senate cmte iron out any differences.

However one could argue that this joint ""House-Senate" Committee is
in fact the Board as the Board is turning into being wholly appointed
by SOs.

Another approach is to have an ICANN GA.  However this would risk
being repetitive as it could be much the same people as would be in
the ALSO GA.

One could have a special committee with equal reps from each SO
(either permanent or established for each issue) but this is sounding
and smelling a bit like the Names Council and may be equally

Perhaps we need to focus on issues outside structure but more of
resources.  As with many non-profits the staff has huge ability to
influence things due to their position and available time.

A key to any cross-SO open forum is to have some sort of staff
resource allocated to it by ICANN.  Someone who can summarise
documents, record consensus, liaise with other ICANN staff on issues
etc etc.

Anyway these are just initial thoughts.

ICQ 29964527
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