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Re: [ga] VeriSign/RealNames

Dear Danny,
the entry of Real Name in the Registrar business is a direct violation of 
the DNS far more important than New.net. This is a true alternative 
proprietary naming plan. Not a value added DNS service.

On 20:37 11/10/01, dannyyounger@cs.com said:
>Dear Stuart,
>in ICP-3 you wrote:

Forget about Stuart: the only advantage is to show him that a naming plan 
has no root. And the time he made us to waste. And the time he makes us to 
waste with his MdR meeting.

>Today VeriSign announced that is making RealNames Keywords available to 
>its global network of over 90 domain name registrars, enabling those 
>registrars to sell Keywords.  The RealNames Keyword system is integrated 
>into Microsoft Internet Explorer browser software.  This creates the 
>prospect that different answers; will be given to the same query depending 
>upon the users choice of browser.

Real Names are real altenative TLDs. As such they are in direct violation 
withe the NSI/USG cooperation agreement. This legally terminates the 
relations between USG, ICANN and NSI.
Obiously they thought the situation adequate for such a "coup" after the 
11th September and Stuart Lynn's agenda for the MdR meeting. They presumed 
that 5100 deads are more important than to check NSI was introducing 
something wrong.  After taht it will be "fait accompli".

>As ICANN has a role as a coordinator, how do you view this major product 
>launch which utilizes a layer on top of DNS, in effect creating something 
>that looks like a TLD.

Not one TLD. Billions of TLDs: real names this a default TLD. It kills the 
DNS system and gives NSI a defacto monopoly on the Internet. Next step they 
will permit people to create their own sub-real nae for a fee. This a new 
name space reserved to IE users and probably soon to passport owners, with 
plenty of valuable new services.

This time we  really are at war.  How to react?
- file an UDRP :-)
- Denounce the Registrars contract if they sell real names? Half the 
registrars are owned by NSI: they do not care. The practical retailiation 
capacity of NSI is tremendous: they just have to get some problems with 
their computers.
- publish a press release?
- send Joe Sims... he will tell you he has explained the trick to them...
- send a Tomahawk on Herndon? Microsoft leads the game.
Well timed. Question to XTNS: you said you were exclusive? Are you with 
them on this?

Now, NSI will relax. They will do as for the iDNs. Pass the lead to MS. See 
the legal impact. This gives us a few months may be one year to organize a 
response. But obviously not with the ICANN: they will be talking about what 
to do should someone do what NSI did. :-)

BTW, there is task force on UDRP :-) Maybe could they consider what is a 
domain name :-)
A real name sold outside of the DNS by an ICANN registrar?


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