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[ga] RE: [Idno-discuss] IDNO -- This affects you.


Interesting the Chair of the GA would cross post this into the GA Assembly
after all the effort of the moderators and others to keep IDNO related
material from being posted their.  Your intentions are plain.  I can see
you, like a few others, consider anyone who doesn't toe your party line as
being a disruptor.  Thank God for disruptors is all I can say.  I have been
busy with other matters and have paid scant attention to the lists.  Your
recent efforts and those of Joop are going to change that.  I will make sure
I spare some time to oppose your repressive campaigns.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: idno-discuss-admin@internetnz.net.nz
|> [mailto:idno-discuss-admin@internetnz.net.nz]On Behalf Of
|> DannyYounger@cs.com
|> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 9:23 PM
|> To: ga@dnso.org
|> Cc: sotiris@hermesnetwork.com; idno-discuss@internetnz.net.nz
|> Subject: [Idno-discuss] IDNO -- This affects you.
|> I would like to take a moment to offer my congratulations and
|> encouragement
|> to Sotiris Sotiropoulos who has taken on the arduous mantle of
|> leadership of
|> the IDNO.   Encouragement is in order as someone (guess who) has already
|> written:
|> "I will not answer any calls by this illegitimate chair. I do
|> not recognize
|> you as chair, and I will not answer any of your calls as chair,
|> nor will I
|> Recognize any act you take as the pretender who
|> claims to be Chair."
|> It seems that any organization that seeks to advance representation for
|> individuals bears the burden of having disruptors in their midst whose
|> efforts are focused moreso on attacks against the current Chair than on
|> promoting the cause they purport to share.
|> ...but let's talk for a moment about how this cause may be moved
|> forward.  On
|> October 4, I sent the following note to the Council:
|> With regard to an individual's constituency, Vint Cerf made it clear in
|> Stockholm that the Board noted the GA's communication on the topic, and
|> further stated that a "proposal should come through the NC."  He also
|> commented that, "We would entertain any reasonable proposal in
|> accordance
|> with Bylaws."   As the current Interim report of the Review Task
|> Force does
|> not appear to offer a reasonable proposal to expedite the
|> creation of such a
|> constituency, perhaps the NC would instead consider adopting the
|> following
|> language:
|>      "In recognition of the relentless demand for an individuals
|> constituency
|> and the acknowledged need for better representation of
|> individuals in the
|> ICANN process, the Names Council of the Domain Name Supporting
|> Organization
|> resolves to advise the ICANN Board to create such new
|> Constituency upon its
|> own motion, as such action would serve the purposes of the
|> Corporation, and
|> would be in accordance with the spirit of the Bylaws."
|> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/council/Arc06/msg00094.html
|> The Council (as could be expected) has taken no action
|> whatsoever to develop
|> a reasonable proposal on behalf of individuals even after sustained
|> encouragement.  They have once more, in their latest
|> teleconference, chosen
|> to again ignore the issue.  The only action taken thus far has been the
|> proposal of "criteria" in the Interim Review Task Force Report that is
|> clearly designed to keep new constituencies out.
|> Those of you that seek to establish a constituency will need to
|> address this
|> issue.  And you will need to do it now -- the public comment
|> period has just
|> opened and it will not be open for long.
|> Even after you present your Charter/petition to the Board, you
|> will still
|> need to await the Council's input to the Board on your petition.  That
|> "input" will be based on this bogus "criteria" unless you act
|> now to thwart
|> the machinations of those whose goal is nothing less than to deny your
|> successful application.
|> The Review report is in:
|> http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20011010.NCreview-report.html
|> Comments may be posted to:  comments-review@dnso.org
|> The Council is not your friend.  You represent a threat to the
|> balance of
|> their power-clique.  You will need to fight them on this issue
|> and break down
|> their barriers to entry if you seek to make any forward
|> progress.  Good
|> luck in your endeavors, and I certainly hope that your petition
|> to the Board
|> will be presented in Marina del Rey.  Best wishes to all of you.
|> _______________________________________________
|> Idno-discuss mailing list
|> Idno-discuss@idno.org
|> http://listserver.isocnz.org.nz/mailman/listinfo/idno-discuss

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