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Re: [ga] IDNO -- This affects you.

This is really important stuff.  It begins to break down rights.  It strikes at
the fundamental dichotomy of professional versus user.  No one is on the same page
here.  Techie vs. Polywog/user vs. ISP or Engineer.  DNH vs surfer.  Airline
ticket buyer vs. airline ticket seller.  Registry vs Registrar vs registrant vs
marketing vs user.

The categories that were envisioned just three years ago never took into account
individual rights or market factors = oops!  That is ok.  keep talking and do not
criticize someone who worked within given parameters of 1999 for failing to be
right today, and by the same token, (and I love this one) do not claim credit for
something said 2 years ago that was stupid then but right now.

I for one, and as a dotcommoner really trust you guys.  Not to be right always.
but to keep trying and listening and believing that you can make a difference and
make it better.

On behalf of all us users without a twit of a concept of what you talk about half
the time, thank you.


ps. my buddies are watching even though they make not a sound ;-}

Jonathan Weinberg wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, William S. Lovell wrote:
> > Jonathan Weinberg wrote:
> >
> > >         Amadeu (whom I also like) didn't make the statements attributed to
> > > him in this thread, so the revisionism isn't his.
> > >         I think Bill Lovell is referring to
> > > <http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga/Arc08/msg00384.html>.  What Amadeu said
> > > there was that "the original design of the DNSO was to provide a place for
> > > functional interests in DNS to be represented," that "users" got
> > > representation because they were considered to play a functional role, and
> > > that the user group was separated into commercial and noncommercial
> > > constituencies because the two groups were seen as too different to
> > > coexist in a single constituency.  The IPC, he suggests, was added not
> > > because it played a functional role, but because it was unavoidable given
> > > the "IP-DN question on the table."  He goes on to suggest that an
> > > individuals' constituency is unnecessary because "an individual would be
> > > either a commercial or non-commecial user, or both, and such
> > > constituencies already exist."  I don't happen to agree with him, but he
> > > plainly isn't making the "ICANN is a technical body so users should have
> > > no role" argument.
> > >
> > > Jon
> >
> > Ah, but read on to this (and that indeed was what I was referring to
> > -- thank you for digging it out): > But I don't see "individual"as a
> > "function" compared to "registry" or "commercial > registrants" or
> > "non-commercial registrant". I believe that is what I said he said:
> > essentially, individuals had no function and thus needed no
> > representation. Those "functions," I believe, are technical functions,
> > since he also says that the IPC was added even though it had no
> > "function" in that sense (i.e., in the same way that individuals had
> > no function). So he plainly did make that argument, whatever he may
> > have intended.
>         He said that *being an individual* was not a function.  Rather,
> individuals are commercial and noncommercial users, and perform a function
> (just as do other users) when they act in those capacities.  Thus, he
> argued, individuals shouldn't get representation qua individuals; they
> should get representation qua users.  There's nothing in his discussion
> about technical vs. nontechnical functions, and however one draws that
> line, Amadeu makes it clear that he thinks the function performed by
> "users" is one that should be represented.
> --
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