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I address this to the assembly and to no one in particular so that no
one may take particular offense.

There was a man who went to the king and said I have two soldiers and
with them I will collect a 10% tax from all the people.  The king said
but you are not a taxing authority! The man said so I will give you 50%
and the king said go ahead.  The man and the king lived very happily for
years collecting the tax because all the people would say as they paid
was "they have no right to direct the policy of the tax so we will not
discuss it" but they paid.

We have so many here in the GA that say there is no authority for ICANN
to direct public policy but they do and when some of us say "this is the
correct policy" others tell us "but we do not direct public policy".
Yet the tax is collected.

This is how the Staff and the BoD wins.  They are directing policy while
the good citizens say that they will not discuss it because it is not
within our mandate.

And so did the people continue to pay the tax or did they tell the man
and petition the king to make the tax 2%?  Sometimes standing on the
truth is less practical than standing on what is real.

May an Engineer and a Lobbyist ever see eye to eye?  Yes, when they get
married to each other.  The BoD and the Staff have a great marriage
while we suffer adolescent dating and bickering.

Please take the time today or tonight to use the Internet to do one good
thing, write a poem and send it, write an old friend, declare your
peace, even if only with yourself.


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