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Re: [ga] Structure Taskforce

At 21:30 21/10/01 +1300, DPF wrote:

>a) Reforming the DNSO but keeping it as the sole SO dealing with
>domain name policy
>b) Abolishing the DNSO and focusing on what SOs should replace it and
>how they inter-act with each other
>So everything is out in the open I have to say my initial inclination
>is for (b) but this is not a strongly held conviction.

Good. My initial inclination is for (a).
 From the beginning the DNSO was seen as a promise for a forum of input for 
all DNS stakeholders. The Bylaws have specific provisions for the flexible 
entry of new constituencies.

That is why such fierce battles have been waged for the shape of the DNSO 
(Paris Draft, anyone?)

Abolishing the DNSO before any clear alternative has any kind of consensus 
would be, well, not just replacing the goal-posts once again, but placing 
them in cloud cuckoo land.
The ICANN staff may be happy with the abolition of the DNSO just before it 
finally reforms itself  into a meaningful Support Organization that the 
Board will actually listen to, but for others it will reek of a 
just-in-time Bylaw rewriting to thwart stakeholder democracy once again.

If I were you, as an appointee of the Chair and not an elected 
representative, I would go very slow on pushing any particular p.o.v., 
except one of an emerging consensus.


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