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Re: [ga] Report on the NC Transfers Task Force activities

on 11/6/01 12:43 PM, DannyYounger@cs.com at DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

> Whereas Verisign appears concerned that domain name holders may not be
> adequately represented in these discussions, if there is an organization that
> represents such interests that would like to forward a representative to this
> task force, please let me know and I will bring such interest to the
> attention of the Interim Chair.
> --


As all in community knows, the organization that represents the interests of
Individual Domain Name Holders at this time is the IDNO,
http://www.idno.org, it's purpose and mission being ratified in it's Charter
in September 2000 as:-

1.1 Purpose: to provide representation in the Domain name Supporting
Organization (DNSO) for all individual Domain Name Owners. We represent the
concerns of individuals who own domain names, rather than organizations.
These concerns include the wish to remain free from being classified as
commercial or non-commercial.

1.2. Mission: to ensure that Individual Domain Name Owners , as stakeholders
in the Domain Name System (DNS), will have a say in all new ICANN rulemaking
that will affect their financial interest, on-line freedom or security of

1.3. Our mission to represent Individual Domain Name Owners will extend to
all global decisionmaking bodies and is not limited to representation in
ICANN or the DNSO. 

It is therefore entirely appropriate for the IDNO to participate in the
ICANN process through a representative joining the NC Transfer Task Force.

Speaking personally as both a long time advocate of the rights of Individual
Domain Holders in the General Assembly and other fora, who has participated
in general discussions about the proposed Transfer policy changes, and as a
member of the IDNO, I am keen to expedite this matter in whatever way
possible. However, the IDNO has recently commenced an election process that
I understand temporarily limits what it can do with respect to selecting a
representative to join the NC Transfer Task Force at this time, and
unfortunately, it will December before those procedures can be completed.

In order not to cause delays unecessarily, I am therefore requesting that
you put my name forward to the Interim Chair of the Task Force, in my
capacity of an Individual Domain Name Holder who will take responsibility
for gathering input on Transfer policy issues on a day to day basis from the
collective IDNO membership and other interested individual domain name
holders, until such time as the IDNO can confirm a representative


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