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RE: [ga] Mr. Qaddafi Salutes Verisign

	Although I am in support of Zero-Censorship over the internet, there are,
at times, situations that are of "greater importance" (hence the setup of
Domestic Defence Office which takes precedence over normal
laws/rights/priorites). I believe that in issues like these, the decision is
no longer in the hands of ICANN. In other words, when dealing with issues
governed by law, the law take precedence.  For example, drug dealing is
illegal and thus ICANN cannot possibly be allowed to be involved in any form
of drug dealer's domain name if ICANN is aware of the use.

	On the same logic, if there is an existing sanction ruling by an
international body (UN and not USA because ICANN is an international body),
ICANN must observe the same rules. It is important to distinguish a USA law
vs a UN law because if one is to observe the law of USA, one must also
observe the law of Libya/Iraq thus cancelling each other out. UN on the
other hand is a recognized international body.

	In summary, I am in support of the requirement of ICANN observing any
international; ie voiding the Zero-Censorship in the case of a registration
from countries/industries with information saction in place.  Of course, I
can understand that it will be difficult to be in full compliance.

- Joseph

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:47 PM
To: Joe Baptista, pccf
Cc: [ga]
Subject: Fw: [ga] Mr. Qaddafi Salutes Verisign

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 21:41:24 -0400, Joanna Lane wrote:

> This kind of input on the list is very welcome. I'm compiling a list of
> relevant sites to forward to the BoD for attention. More please.

Hi Joanna

I get confused at the shifting sands here.  I thought you were friends with
Eric Dierker who is a dotcommoner in support of developing third world
countries being ruthlessly exploited by the West (with a capital "W").  Or
perhaps now that Sotiris has fallen out with Eric you have changed sides.

Libya, of course, is a harmless country who has minded its own business
since it had the shit bombed out of it by the United States a few years ago.
In fact, I didn't even realise it was the subject of sanctions.

That, I thought, applied to the boogeyman, Sadam Hussain. who really does
kill people and drive them out of his country to Iranian refugee camps from
where they make their way to Australia via Indonesia.

That's the great thing with "mission creep", we can talk about anything:
sex, drugs, politics or even religion.

Hey Dr Joe Baptista, where are ya !!!

And I'm not sure that a domain name might not fall within the spirit of
"information" that they are allowed to have.  At least it is conducive to an
information channel.  Which, of course, is needed to inform those silly
Libyans that their leader is a drug induced halfwit.

Patrick Corliss

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