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Re: [ga] Mr. Qaddafi Salutes Verisign

Joseph wrote:

> Hi,
>         Although I am in support of Zero-Censorship over the internet, there are,
> at times, situations that are of "greater importance" (hence the setup of
> Domestic Defence Office which takes precedence over normal
> laws/rights/priorites). I believe that in issues like these, the decision is
> no longer in the hands of ICANN. In other words, when dealing with issues
> governed by law, the law take precedence.  For example, drug dealing is
> illegal and thus ICANN cannot possibly be allowed to be involved in any form
> of drug dealer's domain name if ICANN is aware of the use.
>         On the same logic, if there is an existing sanction ruling by an
> international body (UN and not USA because ICANN is an international body),
> ICANN must observe the same rules. It is important to distinguish a USA law
> vs a UN law because if one is to observe the law of USA, one must also
> observe the law of Libya/Iraq thus cancelling each other out. UN on the
> other hand is a recognized international body.

If you are within the United States, you obey U. S. law. I'll obey the law of Libya
or Iraq when I'm there. (Not to mention: since when did the U.N. become an
international law making body?)

Bill Lovell

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