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Re: [ga] The BoD - Ratings and/or evaluations by stakeholders

Eric and all assembly members,

  Not a bad idea here Eric.  But how or against what do you wish or
believe they should be rated?  Are offers of categories what you had
in mind?  Please advise.

  What about the ICANN Staff members?  Do or don't you believe
they should also be rated?  Are there different criterion by which they
should be rated?  Please advise.

  I know that each biannually I am rated in a fitness evaluation.  So
are our board members.  I believe this is pretty much a standard
practice in most industries and businesses.  I know that my continued
employment as CEO is directly dependent on these evaluations/ratings.
I also am quite sure that this is true in most industries as well...

  As you may recall, my personal position is that all but two of the
BoD members should be fired immediately.  But I am willing
to garner a list of areas that the BOD members can/should or could
be rated on or against from our members.  We should have something
in about three days.

Eric Dierker wrote:

> Rather than just lofting hateful overall nasty criticism at our board
> lets rate them.  Someone better at this than I am may want to build a
> template.  We can establish about five categories and rate them from one
> to ten (or negative included although that is largely not constructive)
> We seem to create a "Boogie man" most the time when dealing with the
> board.  One thing I noticed Danny does (did?) quite well was see them as
> individuals and approach them as such.  Also maybe if we do this right
> we can get position statements from each of them.
> I think this is fair and honest work for the GA.  Perhaps the categories
> should be like our five sublists.
> Accountability is a problem and I suggest this as a manner to create
> some.  I think we will all be amazed at how little we know about them
> and their positions.
>          Vinton G. Cerf, Chairman
>                 Position on Transfer?
>          Alejandro Pisanty, Vice-Chairman
>                 Position on UDRP?
>          Amadeu Abril i Abril
>                 Position on ccTLDs
>          Karl Auerbach
>                 Position on the NC?
>          Robert Blokzijl
>                 Position on the restructuring?
>          Ivan Moura Campos
>                 Position on the New gTLDs
>          Lyman Chapin (beginning 1 October 2001)
>                 Position on Security
>          Jonathan Cohen
> And so on and so forth.
>          Philip Davidson
>          Frank Fitzsimmons
>          Ken Fockler (until 30 September 2001)
>          Masanobu Katoh
>          Hans Kraaijenbrink
>          Sang-Hyon Kyong
>          M. Stuart Lynn
>          Andy Mueller-Maguhn
>          Jun Murai
>          Nii Quaynor
>          Helmut Schink
>          Linda S. Wilson
> Thank you in advance for any consideration.
> Eric
> --
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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