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Re: [ga] The BoD - Ratings and/or evaluations by stakeholders


I want this a rating and not a berating.  Criteria or Criterion should be
developed I think the first one should be open.  From a statistical background
I think we should do this before every meeting and then just afterward.
What I really want is open and transparent and just here on the GA.  I want it
easy and non secure because I don't want to run up a tab on this and I want it
ongoing.  I was thinking a sublist that any of us could visit and/or compile,
may be helpful.

Actually what I kind of want it as a war chest.  Accountability being
paramount.  We are ready for the at large and I truly believe that a voting
track record will be helpful.

any input is appreciated, this is a child and not a set in stone idea, please
help develop.


Jeff Williams wrote:

> Eric and all assembly members,
>   Not a bad idea here Eric.  But how or against what do you wish or
> believe they should be rated?  Are offers of categories what you had
> in mind?  Please advise.
>   What about the ICANN Staff members?  Do or don't you believe
> they should also be rated?  Are there different criterion by which they
> should be rated?  Please advise.
>   I know that each biannually I am rated in a fitness evaluation.  So
> are our board members.  I believe this is pretty much a standard
> practice in most industries and businesses.  I know that my continued
> employment as CEO is directly dependent on these evaluations/ratings.
> I also am quite sure that this is true in most industries as well...
>   As you may recall, my personal position is that all but two of the
> BoD members should be fired immediately.  But I am willing
> to garner a list of areas that the BOD members can/should or could
> be rated on or against from our members.  We should have something
> in about three days.
> Eric Dierker wrote:
> > Rather than just lofting hateful overall nasty criticism at our board
> > lets rate them.  Someone better at this than I am may want to build a
> > template.  We can establish about five categories and rate them from one
> > to ten (or negative included although that is largely not constructive)
> > We seem to create a "Boogie man" most the time when dealing with the
> > board.  One thing I noticed Danny does (did?) quite well was see them as
> > individuals and approach them as such.  Also maybe if we do this right
> > we can get position statements from each of them.
> >
> > I think this is fair and honest work for the GA.  Perhaps the categories
> > should be like our five sublists.
> > Accountability is a problem and I suggest this as a manner to create
> > some.  I think we will all be amazed at how little we know about them
> > and their positions.
> >
> >          Vinton G. Cerf, Chairman
> >                 Position on Transfer?
> >          Alejandro Pisanty, Vice-Chairman
> >                 Position on UDRP?
> >          Amadeu Abril i Abril
> >                 Position on ccTLDs
> >          Karl Auerbach
> >                 Position on the NC?
> >          Robert Blokzijl
> >                 Position on the restructuring?
> >          Ivan Moura Campos
> >                 Position on the New gTLDs
> >          Lyman Chapin (beginning 1 October 2001)
> >                 Position on Security
> >          Jonathan Cohen
> >
> > And so on and so forth.
> >
> >          Philip Davidson
> >          Frank Fitzsimmons
> >          Ken Fockler (until 30 September 2001)
> >          Masanobu Katoh
> >          Hans Kraaijenbrink
> >          Sang-Hyon Kyong
> >          M. Stuart Lynn
> >          Andy Mueller-Maguhn
> >          Jun Murai
> >          Nii Quaynor
> >          Helmut Schink
> >          Linda S. Wilson
> >
> > Thank you in advance for any consideration.
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > --
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> Regards,
> --
> Jeffrey A. Williams
> Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 121k members/stakeholdes strong!)
> CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
> Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
> E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
> Contact Number:  972-244-3801 or 214-244-4827
> Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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