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[ga] What Does the PSO "do" Except Electing ICANN Directors ??

                  ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO)

                      October 26, 2001 Teleconference

     Reported by Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2001

  Steve Bellovin
  Fabio Bigi
  Azucena Hernandez
  Leslie Daigle
  Tapio Kaijanen
  Brian Moore
  Daniel Weitzner
  Philipp Hoschka

1. Protocol Council Members thoughtfully analyzed the At-Large Study
Committee Draft Report on ICANN Membership. The PSO PC has not reached
consensus on comments to the ALSC document.  That is why ETSI
representatives and IETF representatives submitted their respective
comments.  ITU-T representatives did not provided any additional comments.
W3C representatives did not provide comments. The comments sent to the ALSC
can be viewed at the following address:

2. The issue of SRS (shared registry system) was brought to the
consideration of the Protocol Council and it was decided to further study
this issue and to discuss it again.

3. The issue of ccTLD Support organization was raised by Mr. H. Schink,
Director of the ICANN Board. There were no objections for the creation of
such organization.  ETSI representatives stressed that as long as the number
of seats allocated to PSO on the ICANN Board were not going to decrease, any
new Supporting Organization is welcome.

4. PSO-PC Report for the ICANN Meeting was discussed. Protocol Council
Members tasked the secretary to contact Mr. S. Lynn, CEO of ICANN, in order
to ask him for some clarifications concerning the procedures and matters to
be included in the report. The secretary was tasked to prepare a draft of
the report on the PSO-PC activities and to submit it to the Protocol Council
Members for their consideration.

5. Security issues in the Internet were discussed. It was decided to ask
each organization to report to PSO-PC on the activities in the security
field. After this step, Protocol Council will decide on the further actions.

6. The issue of a Nominee to the ICANN Internationalized Domain Names
Committee was discussed on the suggestion of Mr. S. Lynn, who sent the Note
to PSO-PC, asking whether PSO-PC was interested to propose its candidate to
this Committee.  The secretary was tasked to ask Mr. Stuart Lynn for some
clarifications on the procedures of elections and nominations. The Protocol
Council will need some more time to take its decision.  ETSI representatives
proposed their candidate, Mr. Roberto Laorden, member of the Board of CORE
(Council of Registrars) and member of the ICANN Group on Evaluation of new

7. Mr. Fabio Bigi is going to take his retirement at the end of this month.
He will ensure his functions of Protocol Council Member until the new
representative of TSB will be appointed. All Protocol Council Members
expressed their warm friendly feelings and wished Mr. Fabio Bigi all the

8. The next teleconference was scheduled on Friday, December 7, at 15h00

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