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RE: [ga] Vint, Mike, Joe, Louis, Lynn: what are you proud of? Must be something.

On 20:11 23/11/01, Roeland Meyer said:
>|> Question is "what did the ICANN achieve that you are proud
>|> of because it is/was useful to the Internet and/or to the world"?
>The answer is: Not a damned thing!

Dear Roeland, may be could we not fear them :-) I am truly interested.

>|> May be I missed something? After all they know better. They
>|> also have their own perspectives.
>I disagree that they know better and their perspectives have proven to be

I meant they know better than me about what /they/ are proud of having 
achieved. None of them is truly elected/selected and has a duty to report 
on their achievements. So the only way we have to know if they are serious 
about what they do is to ask them about it. They know better what they face 
so up to them to tell us (may be they spend their days protecting us from 
USG, who knows).

Let give them a fair chance to tell us. Not to defend, argue, etc.. just to 
tell us. They probably are proud of what they do, otherwise they would have 
left. Let genuinely listen.

Obviously if they fail to respond after a while, we would then deduce from 
their silence.
Is that not a fair proposition?

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