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[ga] [Fwd: Motion and request for amendment]

Now I just ask the GA members.

Why is it that this poorly drafted motion got no support.  Was it timing
or wording or that no one wanted the concept?

It even now seems appropriate.  So if I receive a small bit of support I
will redraft and resubmit.  But otherwise.....


I Eric Dierker, being a member of the GA of ICANN, hereby make motion
that the GA agree, reach consensus and evidence by a vote, formal or
otherwise, that the BC (business constituency within the DNSO of ICANN)
is currently acting in direct contravention of the Green Papers the
White Papers, all and amended contracts with the DoC (department of
commerce of the US gov), contracts with primary service providers and
with it's by-laws and Articles of Incorporation's.  The BC is acting in
contradiction to the local (california) incorporation restrictions
against unreasonable discrimination not rationally related to a
legitimate purpose.  The BC is contravening US and California non-profit
organization laws and is intentionally interfering with pre-existing and
perspective contractual relations between ICANN and it's purported

Therefor in order to reduce Corporate Liability and promote accord
within ICANN and satisfy bottoms-up, open and transparent consensus;

Based upon such consensual finding the GA move the BoD of ICANN to
revoke the charter of the BC and remand its seats to the GA until such
time as the BoD determines other appropriate delegation of such BoD
seats such as to the newly to be formed IDNO is appropriate.

Such should be our mandate as true GA members.

So moved by Eric Dierker this above reflected date.

Fair enough?

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