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Re: [ga] NC Review Task Force -- Captured by Business Interests ??

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 18:45:53 -0500, Ken Stubbs wrote:

> i wont be a "civil" as peter dengate thrush was with your
> comments................
> Elisabeth is a 'highly ethical" person and i am "disgusted" at your
> characterization .
> you are only "talking to hear yourself" and it baseless "garbage" like this
> which only serve to cause any posting you make to this or any other list
> that much less "meaningful"..
> you only disrespect yourself with comments like this.

Hi Ken

It's funny how both you and Peter Dengate Thrush focused on a single word
in my email and rather ignored the more substantive comments about capture
by business interests.

Believe me, I weary of the bullshit generated by the business constituency and
would like to see the other business interests take a contrary view.

In relation to your comments, you report any breaches of the list posting
rules to the proper authorities, Ken.  That is, as you well know, the
[ga-abuse] mailing list.  Peter is more than welcome to do the same.

However, you should realise that your email constitutes a personal attack on
me as defined by the GA list posting rules.  That is hardly the appropriate
way to respond, now is it?

In fact, I chose the word extremely carefully, Ken.  It applies to Elizabeth
with the utmost precision.  From http://www.dictionary.com/

herˇald (n.)

(1)    A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.
(2)    One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger.
(3)    An official whose specialty is heraldry.
(4)    (a)    An official formerly charged with making royal proclamations and
                 bearing messages of state between sovereigns.
        (b)    An official who formerly made proclamations and conveyed
                challenges at a tournament.

In a formal sense, a herald is a person who announces important news.  It
seems to come from Old French in the form heralt, heraut or herault.  Of
course, it could have a different meaning in modern French language.

You will note that all of the above meanings, except (3), would apply to the
DNSO Secretariat.  And you will remember that Elisabeth Porteneuve has spent
considerable time in that position.  As such she made every formal
announcement in relation to the Names Council.  Of course, Philip Sheppard is
the Chair of the Names Council.  So it is a reasonable characterisation.

I won't say any more at this stage but I'd urge you to step back if you want
to protect Elisabeth's sensitivities.  In any case, do you really think that's
offensive?  The word "herald" ??  I think thou dost protest too much !!  As
I say you are very welcome to report it to [ga-abuse]

As far as Peter Dengate Thrush's comments.  He said:

> And, btw, the ccTLDs do not routinely support business interests, do not
> routinely oppose non profits (InternetNZ is one), and many support
> individual registrants.

You say "many support individual registrants".  I'd ask "How many?"

Or to put it another way, out of 240 country codes, how many would you say are
*opposed* to business interests?  Answer, none.

So please don't waste my time.

Best regards
Patrick Corliss

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