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Re: [ga] NC Review Task Force -- Captured by Business Interests ??

Hi Peter

> > It's funny how both you and Peter Dengate Thrush focused on a single word
> > in my email and rather ignored the more substantive comments about capture
> > by business interests.
> >
> Sorry, but I also challenged your attempt to characterise the cctlds as pro
> or anti

You vigorously challenged my use of the word "herald" so you must have noticed
my careful choice of the word "rather" in front of "ignored".  Together they
mean "for the most part ignored".

> My point was the same as previously   - the cc's are a diverse bunch, and
> won't be forced into this sort of pigeonholing.

These word games are very tiresome.  The fact is that I will concede you half
a point on ccTLDs to reflect a divided constituency.  Remember I'm in one
(the Australian ccTLD) myself.

> > As far as Peter Dengate Thrush's comments.  He said:
> >
> > > And, btw, the ccTLDs do not routinely support business interests, do not
> > > routinely oppose non profits (InternetNZ is one), and many support
> > > individual registrants.
> >
> > You say "many support individual registrants".  I'd ask "How many?"
> >
> > Or to put it another way, out of 240 country codes, how many would you say
> > are *opposed* to business interests?  Answer, none.
> >
> Your problem is that you pose these as antithetical. Of course, ccTLds can
> be both - in cases such as .nz, they run the registry as a business, and
> also support individual registrants.

My problem ?  You guys are the ones who have captured the constituencies
and you can pretend all you like that you haven't.  Ok, I'll revise my table
half a point as follows:

> Of the constituency members mentioned, we have:
> $$    Marilyn Cade, Business Constituency
> $$    Caroline Chicoine, IP Constituency
> $$    Paul Kane, Registrars Constituency
> ~$    Milton Mueller, NCDNH Constituency
> 0.5$    Elizabeth Porteneuve, ccTLD Registries (Herald for Philip Sheppard)
> $$    Philip Sheppard, Business Constituency (also associated with IP)
> By my count, that's:
>     4.5     out of 6 supporting business interests.
>     1.0     out of 6 supporting nonprofits.
>     0.5     out of 6 supporting individual registrants.

Assuming nonprofits went with individuals (which they need not), the final
score is:

OTHER INTERESTS                  1.5

That's a ratio of three to one.

> Capture, anyone ??

Best regards
Patrick Corliss

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