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Re: [ga] [council] Comments of Report of .org Task Force by Louis Touton

Dear Jeff,
Thank you for your copying of Louis Touton's analysis. In this document 
Louis demonstrates his usual capacity for precise and thoughtfull analysis. 
Well done!

There are only two small things he forgot. To copy the GA and the 
possiblity that the inadequation of the .org TF document with his 
"sponsored TLD" concept was only showing the inadequacy of the concept. No 
one can be perfect.


On 10:05 10/12/01, Jeff Williams said:
>All assembly members,
>To the Names Council:
>On 1 December, the .org Names Council Task Force submitted its report
>for consideration by the Names Council at its 13 December meeting.
>Although the report clearly represents hard work of bringing together
>apparently diverse viewpoints, the resulting proposals include some
>features that raise significant concerns.  The attached Adobe Acrobat
>(.pdf) file discusses those concerns.  For those unable to read Acrobat
>files, the text is copied (in somewhat harder-to-read format) at the
>bottom of this message.
>Best regards,
>Louis Touton


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