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RE: [ga] Elections

|> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
|> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 1:29 AM

|> I just got about six private offers to help fund - if, if, 
|> if, if.  Well, I still hate you for your methodology, but 
|> I thank you for raising awareness, you snake.

"snake", in some circles, has very specific meaning. Are you invoking that
meaning here?

|> Everybody just hold up.  We won't start funding until after 
|> the Chair elections. Please get out there and speak.
|> If my people do not see some oomph then kiss it good-bye.  I 

Even if they do see some oomph, how do we know this promise is any more
credible than any of the others? How are they going to pump money into the
GA, past the ICANN BoD and the DNSO/NC? We've been down this garden path
before, I recognize the feet prints. You don't have to name names but,
what's the plan?

|> have signed a couple on to monitor the list and do some 
|> weird Auto forwarding to a few more. (techno geeks)
|> By Jeffs' fiat I will move forward and all I ask is a tiny 
|> input from about 200 of you.  No I do not want your money 
|> I want your voices spoken here.

To keep the GA alive for a few months longer?

|> And to the three of you who have asked, no.  But thank you. 
|> I am not a politician but a manipulator.

There's a difference? Oh yeah, the politician isn't quite so blatant about

IMHO, the DNSO/NC doesn't deserve a GA that they are not going to budget
for. Neither does the ICANN/BoD. 

Failing that, funding the GA is an awful lot like a Mexican farmer expecting
to get irrigation water from the Colorado River. By the time it gets to him,
it's a mud trickle ... barely damp ground. Both the ICANN/BoD and the
DNSO/NC are upstream and have dams in place. Any money you put into that
pipe will hit those dams and be diverted, anywhere but to the DNSO/GA. I
hope that your money sources realize that.

Are they planning to do like Markle and fund individuals directly? If so,
that's about the only way it'll happen and for that to work, they'd have to
be non-specific as to whom gets funded. 
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