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Re: [ga] Elections

Roeland thank you for your very helpful post here.  The whole post is full of
very insightful matters but let me just address one at this time

Roeland Meyer wrote:

> Failing that, funding the GA is an awful lot like a Mexican farmer expecting
> to get irrigation water from the Colorado River. By the time it gets to him,
> it's a mud trickle ... barely damp ground. Both the ICANN/BoD and the
> DNSO/NC are upstream and have dams in place. Any money you put into that
> pipe will hit those dams and be diverted, anywhere but to the DNSO/GA. I
> hope that your money sources realize that.
> Are they planning to do like Markle and fund individuals directly? If so,
> that's about the only way it'll happen and for that to work, they'd have to
> be non-specific as to whom gets funded.
> --

This looks to me to be the only way to get it done.  "a stipend for the
person(s) fulfilling the role of the Chair(s)
of the GA."  There would have to be assurances against directing the activities
of said chairs.

So then Roeland gets elected Chair, now someone would be able to gift to him.
If you get ten at ten thousand you could actually make it a full time job.  I
would rather split the funding between two chairs and also use more of the money
for expenses.  Or even a third that could actually act as a parliamentarian.


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