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Re: [ga] Transfer

Eric and all assembly member,

Eric Dierker wrote:

> I figured that since someone out there was saying that they could not
> work with me that perhaps they should know what I think about transfers
> and the problems faced by IDNH, ISPs and the registrars.

  The fact that Thomas feels he cannot or will not work with anyone
says allot about his character.  Enough said.  I see not reason
why anyone cannot or would not work with you.  I can see that some
might find if difficult.  I do for instance at times.  >;)

> There is no simple solution.  I understand and am sympathetic to the
> registrars' contractual and liability problems.

  These problems were caused and remain problems because of the
less that adequate provisions or overly noncompetitive nature
of of the Registrar accreditation contracts that the ICANN BoD
voted in favor of via Joe Sims and Louis Touton drafted and the
ICANN BOD and staff refused to allow for the stakeholders
to approve via a vote or negotiate certain aspects of to improve
them (See DNSO GA Archives).  We [INEGroup]  and a number
 or others warned of these contracts looming huge later at that
time.  Perhaps later has now arrived.

> I understand the frustration and incomprehensibleness of the system to
> Individuals.

  Frustration is only part of the problem.  As you know or I believe
the cost of this to the overall economy in the mid term and likely over
the long term has been huge and in the latter be even larger yet.  That's
a bit more than just frustration.  In fact it is these problems that have
fueled and will continue to fuel registry and registrar competition outside
of the legacy/USG root structure.  One can of course argue whether
this is good of bad overall.

> I full appreciate the danger and damage caused by faulty procedures and
> the ramifications to ISPs.

  Poor procedures maybe.  Faulty, no.

> I am also fully aware of the moral indignation of the user community
> when procedures are manipulated to the loss of the user.

  Indignation is only one aspect.  More important is the lack, to the
extent it exists on a user to user basis, is the service or lack there of
perceived by the user.

> But I am very confident that the motivations of all can be brought to a
> common understanding in the spirit of compromise.  As a GIS I am working
> on some models for some developing ccTLDs and welcome the opportunity to
> work with professionals that share a desire to produce solutions and
> route around problems that look antagonistic to working models.

  The ISP community will yet again, and it has started already, being
reborn and/or growing.  This burgeoning event will address some of these
concerns in time.

> I do not think TR knows me.  I think that he would find that once I
> scraped some mud off my boots, removed my hat and took a shower I am not
> so repulsive.  But sometimes the combination of my once being a lawyer
> and now being a Lay Minister causes some to hate me out of hand.  So be
> it, I cannot change my past or present avocations to suit everyone.

  Tolerance does not seem to be Thomas's strong suit.  As such I would
not and do not myself concern myself with his personal problem.

> Sincerely,
> Eric
> --
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 121k members/stakeholdes strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
Contact Number:  972-244-3801 or 214-244-4827
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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