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Re: [ga] OBJECTION Re: Transfer TF elections

Eric and all assembly members,

  As far as I know the watchdog committee is only for the
voting and election process within the DNSO GA.  I was
not aware that the watchdog committee also had TF review
responsibilities as well...  Now I know that Danny has
called for a election for the Transfer TF.  He has
suggested that the runner-up's would be observers
on the Transfer TF.  This is not according to current
DNSO GA procedure as Thomas correctly pointed out.
It would also be quite strange as well for myself as one
of the candidates to serve on a watchdog committee
that would potentially be overseeing the Transfer
TF election.  That would seem to be a bit of a conflict.
Hence such a suggestion I would have to decline
to participate in such a capacity as I am a candidate.

  We now seem to also have one less candidate, one
Thomas Roessler whom seems to be unwilling to serve
on the TF due to some personal constraints regarding
yourself Eric, and me potentially being one of the
observers should he have been elected.  Ergo
you and I are the only two left in this election
for the Transfer TF members representing the

Eric Dierker wrote:

> Kristys' post on this matter have been dignified and correct.
> The negative have been just that and obstructionist.
> While folks like myself, JW and wxw argue the niceties of procedures,
> moving forward
> is more important than legalities.
> Can we get JW, WXW and Roeland all on the watchdog committee.  Then I
> would know no one is cheating.
> Sincerely,
> Eric
> --
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