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RE: [ga] Alt.root'ers resorting to spam?

> |> From: steinle@smartvia.de [mailto:steinle@smartvia.de]
> |> Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 2:39 AM
> |> With the TM 'sex.shop' for tanning oil (LoL) he wanted to 
> |> reverse hijack my domain name registered with new.net (I got 
> |> some threats via e-mail and phone).
> |> http://www.new.net/search_whois.tp?domain=sex&tld=shop
> |> 
> |> But as long as I don't sell tanning oil on www.sex.shop 
> |> (LoL) I won't lose my domain. ;-)
> This is getting to be a royal PITA! www.sex.shop doesn't resolve here.
--> What? You use an antique ISP?
Choose an advanced one here: http://www.new.net/about_us_partners.tp
or use a plug-in. I would suggest the New.net plug-in ( http://www.new.net/download/instructions_win_ie.tp ) or the NameSlinger plug-in ( http://www.nameslinger.com/nmescket.exe ).

|> What should this analogy tell you?
> |> Don't waste your money at the TM office. ;-)
> It's not an analogy, it's a case study <g>.
--> This point is for you.

 The fragmentation, started by
> the ICANN created colliders, is getting to be inconvenient. Rather than
> mediating and negotiating TLDs, ICANN is stubbornly declaring it's own TLDs,
> not caring what happens to the rest of the Internet or the fallout from
> those decisions.
--> Use the Nameslinger plug-in. With it you can surf all the roots!

btw. check out nic.pro in the name.space root

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