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RE: Re[2]: [ga] Alt.root'ers resorting to spam?

|> From: William X Walsh [mailto:william@wxsoft.info]
|> Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 1:45 PM
|> Wednesday, Wednesday, December 12, 2001, 1:24:08 PM, John 
|> Palmer wrote:
|> > FYI: WXW - your  WXW...info domain is no good - mail keeps 
|> bouncing. 
|> > You registered your domain with the collider version of .INFO.
|> > FYI, Name.Space has the only legitimate version of .INFO. You will
|> > need to register your domain there.
|> Yeah, right  :)
|> Dream on.  Your little fraction of a percent of the internet 
|> can't see
|> my domain, oh well.  The rest of the world can, and that's what
|> matters.

William, you know that this arrogant gloating isn't right. We've had our
disagreements, but I've always respected your moral integrity. Whatever it
is you believe in, you do believe in it. This is more than many ICANN
members can claim. 

The market-share is what it is and can change any time. A single fraction
may be inconsequential, but many single fractions add up quickly. This is
the single reason that random fragmentation isn't good, at any level. Those
of us building distributed networks realize this. It complicates external
references immeasurably. A single source of external data, is a good thing.
Multiple sources quickly become nightmarish. Where the ICANN fallacy lies is
that a single source, for both internal and external reference, is both
overly simplistic and a security problem.

Granted, most of us that know this, haven't been particularly good at
articulating it. But, it is difficult developing the theory whilst being
beaten about the head by demogogues and even more difficult to articulate it
whilst trying to overcome the shouting, by those selfsame demogogues.

These forums are populated more with folks putsching a politcal agenda than
trying to solve a problem. As a direct result, we can't even get the problem
stated correctly.
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