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Re[2]: [ga] Alt.root'ers resorting to spam?

I have wondered for a long time, William, how you will feel when "they" 
intentionally harm your ability to do business?  Because it won't stop, it 
hasn't stopped, it has only gained momentum, especially in the USA.  Since 
"they" are not adhering to normal US law, there is no reason for anyone to 
think at some point in the process, their business won't be harmed.


At 02:03 PM 12/12/2001 -0800, William X Walsh wrote:
>Wednesday, Wednesday, December 12, 2001, 1:49:42 PM, Roeland Meyer wrote:
> > The fragmentation has started. ICANN deliberatly created those colliders,
>Come on, end the comedy.
>The "fragmentation" as you call it effects less than a fraction of a
>percent of internet users.  The ones who have deliberately created
>this situation are those operating outside the system.
>It's an insignificant issue anyway.  I'm not particularly bothered
>that John Palmer has difficulty resolving my domain name  :)
>Best regards,
>William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
>SSL Certificates for resellers from $49ea
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