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Re[3]: [ga] Domain Transfers

Wednesday, Wednesday, December 12, 2001, 10:17:16 PM, Kristy McKee wrote:

> At 10:01 PM 12/12/2001 -0800, William X Walsh wrote:

>>Oh please, you want to make transfers impossible Kristy?
>>Registrars employ secure means, and for almost all of them, the
>>Administrative contact is the only one who is allowed to authorize a
>>domain transfer from one registrar to another.

> Well, personally, I agree that the Administrative Contact only should have 
> authorization for such a move.

As do I.

> I am absolutely opposed to the idea that any Registrar would not require
> authorization from their client to modify any information concerning any 
> domain registered between them.  The power must reside in the consumer's 
> hands within this policy.

They do.

Don't believe what the Verisign Registrar tried to claim that
transfers were taking place that were not authorized.  This claim has
been refuted by EVERYONE but them, including the registrants they
cited when asked for examples.

This was nothing but an attempt by Verisign to slow the flow of
outgoing transfers, by engaging in a practice that made if more
difficult to transfer out and has permitted them to collect what must
be huge renewal fees from registrants who have had their transfers
blocked by this practice (which violates the
registry/registrar/accreditation agreements) and have been forced to
renew their domains with Verisign against their will.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
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