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[ga] RE: [ALSC-Forum] Re: [GTLD Registries List] What is the accreditation status of registrars that made fake applications?

Jeff wrote:

>It is poignantly and disgustingly clear that
>the ICANN staff either cannot or will not do adequate oversight
>of it's rubber stamped "Registrars and Registries" given the
>events of the past year or so that have been reported here
>and on other forums.

Ya think?! :)

These guys are making this SO much harder tha it needs to be.  Part of the
problem are these ugly "sunset" periods.  Why?  If the point of new TLDs is
new addresses for peoplke that don't havethem, why are we letting the same
old people buy up addresses before everyone else?  ICANN should stipulate
that trademarks only apply on COM NET and BIZ, and reserve the rest,
particularly the INFO, for first come, first served.

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon

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