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[ga] Financial Advisors Will Either be Making $1 Million per Year... Or be out of business by 2005

  • To: <ga@dnso.org>
  • Subject: [ga] Financial Advisors Will Either be Making $1 Million per Year... Or be out of business by 2005
  • From: "Piece of Pie Mktg" <pop@insurancemail.net>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 21:54:51 -0500
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org
  • Thread-Index: AcHcO03ivYD2NCTRRJ2RCfQrdvLfQA==

Title: Financial Advisors Will Either be Making $1 Million per Year... Or be out of business by 2005

...In my 20 years in selling financial services, I have studied many techniques. None has even come close to the genius of your strategy...it took 4 weeks using your system to write $1.5 million in premium. I recommend this to any producer who is serious about doubling or tripling their current income.

Glenn Roquevert

(See what others have to say after reading this letter)

Dear Fellow Advisor:

Has your income gone down from last year? Are you getting a lot more phone calls from panicked clients who are convinced the sky is falling and it's your fault? Are you feeling a little uneasy about what is going to happen to the market and you going forward?

As financial professionals we are under siege. We are being attacked from all sides. The public is constantly being told that they shouldn't pay for advice, they should instead buy a magazine and follow its paint by numbers directions ... yeah right.

Of course our business is so easy to do that now attorneys, accountants, and big accounting firms are getting into the act. Just recently, a giant accounting firm signed deals with two large on-line brokerage services to provide "paint-by-numbers financial planning right over the Internet."

Why am I complaining when I made over $800,000 last year as a financial advisor?

Because I see the writing on the wall. Every year going forward, the average advisor is going to have to work harder to make less. In the next five years commissions will be down, there will be more no-load everything, more lawsuits against financial advisors, more compliance crackdowns, and more people thinking they can manage their money better without paying us to help them. All the Magazines, newsletters, and TV shows scream at them every day that financial advisors are nothing but greedy, stupid people that care about nothing but commissions.

If that describes you then throw this letter away. But if you actually care about your clients and want long-term relationships, please read on.

Three years ago I was struggling just like any other financial advisor. I was making about $50,000 per year doing what everyone else was doing...selling stuff, working with anybody who walked through the door, wondering who my next client would be.

Of course I thought of myself as a "Professional." I was a CFP and CSA. I belonged to all the right organizations. But I knew that wasn't going to help me in the near future.

Then I had an epiphany. I needed to specialize. I needed to make myself irreplaceable and fill a niche that the big guys couldn't. I decided to work only with Seniors. They have the money & the need, and they only want to see you during the day.

I created a specialized system that looks different from every other system out there. It is designed for Seniors. It caters to both their intellectual and physical needs. It uses humor that makes sense to them. It uses specialized presentation techniques that help them to understand even if they cannot hear well. The whole system is designed with Seniors in mind. AND THEY APPRECIATE IT!

Well here is what happened. My practice went from $50,000 per year gross to over $800,000 per year gross in 2000. That occurred in about 14 months time. I hit $800,000 again in 2001 while taking 5 months off.

This turnkey system consists of a workshop, and more importantly, a proven sales track after the workshop...exactly what to do at the first and second meetings to close an average of $1.5 million in premium per workshop. It has now been used across the country with the same results. I will be adding (37 territories still available) professionals nationwide in protected territories to use the system as well. Those that are selected will be personally coached to a point that will allow them to bring in $50,000 in commission per workshop held.

Due to the (37 territories still available) person limit the available positions fill up fast. If you are interested in learning more about this unique opportunity fax back the downloadable evaluation, or e-mail it to pop@insiq.com. We will send you a free kit outlining the system.

Only independent advisors need inquire.

Piece of Pie Testimonials

I have successfully worked in financial services for 32 years. During that time I have seen, or bought just about every program around. I have benefited to some degree from every one. However, you cut to the heart of the matter better than anyone I have ever seen. The way you drive the wedge between the broker and the client is a marvel to behold.

Joe Brandenburg

At the end of last year I decided I needed to do something to increase my business, and I spent over two months investigating every marketing program out there for financial reps. I looked at everything ...My conclusion was that what all of those companies had in common was that they were selling a product; a seminar, a marketing system, phone dialers, their “proprietary ads,” etc. I concluded that they were first and foremost interested in selling me their product and MAYBE somewhere down the list of their priorities was a little concern for my success. What struck me most about the Piece of Pie system was that you were the opposite….I am convinced now more than ever that the Piece of Pie marketing system- and it is a full system-is everything that you say it is.

Pete Winer

I was in management with a Fortune 100 company specializing in Deferred Compensation (457) area and not doing any personal production for the past five years...My production has greatly improved this past 60 days and I fully expect to earn $500,000 in gross commissions this year.

Gary Liday

I have spent 36 years in the insurance industry and I will let my credentials, having been involved in the $25 million Dollar Forum, Top of the Table, the Round Table, etc. speak for themselves. When I decided to work in the Senior Marketplace, “due diligence” was of the utmost importance as to with whom I would become involved. It was also imperative that the Organization have the highest integrity. It was a “no brainer” - it was Piece of Pie Marketing all the way.

Donald Shiff

Michael knows how to convert interested prospects into happy clients. We have adopted our follow up approach after each senior workshop to his formula for success. As a result, we are on our way to writing $13 to $14 million in annuity premium this year. I would highly recommend Mike's system of senior success to anyone interested in becoming an expert in the senior market.


...most systems tell us everyone is a prospect-you tell us to create the perfect prospect. Most systems close on the first or second appointment-with your system we have them so upset with all their present advisors by that point that they are telling us what they want to be sold! What a difference! I must tell you this is magic….

Andy Malevitis

I have been to many boot camps and have spent thousands of dollars to learn what the top people in our industry are doing to make 7 figure incomes...After my first workshop, in which I did only 1/2 of the marketing that you recommend, we had 35 buying units. We set 20 appointments! Also, in the first 8 of those appointments, we've had about $3,000,000 in investable assets. After getting their commitment not once, but three times as you teach, 6 of the 8 agreed to work with me. I will consider anything under $10,000,000 in annuity production this year a failure.

David McAdams


FAX 507-285-2531


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