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[ga] Re: Open Letter to Mr Jeff Neuman from The Internet Challenge

Ah! Some poetry and spirit at last!

And from a Hellene - the resonance of "arete" - if you care to
transliterate, Sotiris.

Or I feel like the person in Plato's cave, with my back to the daylight
entrance, just watching life being acted out as shadows on the cavern wall.
And to some people, that is their reality. They think it is all there is.
They think it is reality. And yet the true existence, of which we see just
shadows, is somewhere out there, beyond the reach of their tiny minds.

"This little .biz re-registration fiasco pales in comparison to the threat
to the integrity of the WWW dns as a whole" you say - I agree with you of
course. I raise it as an issue because it is "illustrative" of that
"rottenness" you mention.

And yes, "There are legitimate concerns that are going unaddressed, indeed
not even commented upon by the people who ought to be responsible for
oversight of the contracts they basically coerced people to sign.  If only
they would be so assiduous in other areas of their multifarious coordination

Legitimate concerns going unaddressed.

Why Vint?

Why hide away in the shadowy cavern?

Let everything be dealt with and discussed in openness and the broad

That Platonic "arete" or "excellence" : isn't that what we should aspire to
for this Internet, this gift and resource for the world? Doesn't it deserve
our best, and not our base interests. And yes, we are all fallible and
stagger about in a turmoil of motives and complexities.

But Vint, which of your multiple universes do you inhabit now? Where are
you? No, you don't get me. The "real" you, your true and best self? The one
who in past times was out there in the sunlight.

As Sotiris suggests, if we abandon the "blood and spirit", what's it all
for? A few cents? A few shadows on the wall? Machinations. Intrigue. The
abandonment of an ideal.

"There are legitimate concerns that are going unaddressed, indeed not even
commented upon by the people who ought to be responsible for oversight of
the contracts."

Why? This evasion is senseless.


----- Original Message -----
From: Sotiris Sotiropoulos <sotiris@hermesnetwork.com>
To: Richard Henderson <richardhenderson@ntlworld.com>
Cc: Neuman, Jeff <Jeff.Neuman@neustar.us>; vint cerf
<vinton.g.cerf@wcom.com>; Legal-NeuLevel <Legal@Neulevel.Biz>;
<halloran@icann.org>; <jeff@air-speed.com>; <jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com>;
<DEvans@doc.gov>; <ksmith@ntia.doc.gov>; <krose@ntia.doc.gov>; Karl Auerbach
<karl@cavebear.com>; Jefsey Morfin <jefsey@wanadoo.fr>;
<lsuzukamo@pioneerpress.com>; <gtld@gtldregistries.org>; <ga@dnso.org>;
<council@dnso.org>; <jarcher@registrationtek.com>; <aspaces@powerup.com.au>;
<conno001@maroon.tc.umn.edu>; <lynn@icann.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Mr Jeff Neuman from The Internet Challenge

> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> Let us see all of this for what it is... the hogs outside the trough runs
> howling about the hogs who managed to finagle their way somehow to the
> source of human limbs and whatever else a hog will eat that flows from the
> chutes of Power.  Oh yes...  There is a human element to all this, ya'll
> remember?
> Like Nietzsche's Zarathustra, I too confess a love for what is earned by
> and spirit. All else is artifice, smoke and mirrors, for a token Press (as
> grand gesture, no less).  In the final analysis only a drastic change will
be a
> change, and we will come to that sooner -methinks- rather than later; one
way or
> the other.  There is a war going on.  BTW, can anyone point out the front
> At the very least, here in the centre of the maelstrom of the biggest
power grab
> in History, we could have the End of History happen this very moment and
> would be satisfied; not the media barons; not the consumers; not the
elites, nor
> the plebs... and would it all have been worth it?  To sell it all down the
> for dollars and cents?  All that dissatisfaction?!!  Think of the Ratings!
> I paused in my workout today and had a thought to myself (if you can
> believe that!) I wondered: What is it that drives the minds who
participate in
> these ICANNia forums and conundrums?  Is it all professional
> Corporate interest?  National interest(s)? Economic (not to be
> with humanity in any way) interests?  Class or guild interests? The Devil
> himself?  What!?
> There is something rotten in Denmark friends.  The stink of it appalls the
> entire spectrum of all the senses.  In fact, it's an overload.  This
little .biz
> re-registration fiasco pales in comparison to the threat to the integrity
of the
> WWW dns as a whole.  We are at a crossroads, each of you "power brokers"
need to
> think about what your roles are on the chessboard of History, that is, if
> deem it worthy of continuance.
> There are legitimate concerns that are going unaddressed, indeed not even
> commented upon by the people who ought to be responsible for oversight of
> contracts they basically coerced people to sign.  If only they would be so
> assiduous in other areas of their multifarious coordination role.
> Friends, Strangers, Human Beings, let us not lose this war... it will be
> last.
> Sincerely,
> Sotiris Sotiropoulos
>                     Human
> Richard Henderson wrote:
> > Dear Jeff and Vint,
> >
> > Further "mass registrations" and "exclusive" registrars lists continue
> > come to light as the .biz Group 2B data is analysed.
> >
> > For example, please could somebody (um... like eName themselves?)
> > how only TWO registrants applied through eName in the .biz 2B names
> >
> > These TWO registrants managed to get 2061 names between them. No-one
else on
> > the planet got a single name.
> >
> > Registrant 1: Eclipse Technologies = 2021 names
> >
> > Registrant 2: Kensys Technologies = 40 names
> >
> > This forms part of the continuing pattern of Registrars affording
> > privilege to a single (or two) customers.
> >
> > The following registrants may merit your scrutiny, Jeff:
> >
> > RegisterNamesHere = 2089 names through Bulk Register and already up for
> > sale.
> >
> > Patrice Panon through Book My Name = 1962 names
> >
> > Eclipse Technologies = 2021 names (They were eNames only applicants,
> > from Kensys Technologies who got 40 names. No-one else on the planet got
> > look in.)
> >
> > Other registrants who were "exclusive" to a registrar = 842 names
> > (previously documented for you)
> >
> > TOTAL SO FAR (12 registrars out of 65 analysed to date) = 6914 names
> >
> > This is 17 percent of the total names available in the .biz Group 2B
> > release. This figure will surely grow.
> >
> > I feel that you need to investigate these with urgency, Jeff, and no
> > you are.
> >
> > I also feel that ICANN owe it to the Internet community to guarantee
> > sort of "exclusive dealing" by registrars won't recur in the forthcoming
> > .info Landrush 2.
> >
> > Vint, as far as I know, ICANN has released absolutely NO statement about
> > either THIS .biz situation , or about the forthcoming .INFO situation.
> > is ICANN's position on this?
> >
> > That is a fairly straightforward question, I should have said.
> >
> > And a second question: what ACTION, if any, does ICANN plan to take in
> > .info Landrush 2 to protect the Internet community from further
> > discrimination by "exclusive" registrars who only deal for themselves or
> > special individual?
> >
> > PLEASE could ICANN respond to reasonable questions like this. I know Mr
> > Stearns will be particularly interested in your responsiveness on this
> > issue, and I hope to have the opportunity to contribute to the hearing
> > Billy Tauzin has proposed. All points of views and suggestions to Fred
> > on 202-225-3761.
> >
> > It's not too much to ask for a response, I hope.
> --
> Wherever one turns there is a desperate need for work to be done, and the
> unemployed would be delighted to do it, if
> they had a chance. The work would be highly beneficial to them and their
> communities -- beneficial to people, not
> profits, and therefore no contribution to economic health, in the
> sense. It is important to master the
> distinction between "the health of the economy" and human welfare, notions
> can be virtually uncorrelated. All of
> this is one part of a catastrophic failure of the economic system, which
> incapable of bringing together needed work
> and idle hands of suffering people. Of course, this catastrophic failure
> hailed as a grand success, as indeed it is for a
> narrow sector of privilege -- which happens to include the people who give
> speeches, write the articles, and sing
> the odes to our magnificence.
> Noam Chomsky
> http://www.zmag.org/chomsky/articles/loot9406-industry-vs-labor.html

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