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[ga] RE: [ecdiscuss] DNS independence


Since I have some claim on knowing the situation firsthand, let
me reinforce Marilyn's point, and use clearer language.  Your
description of the handoff falls somewhere on the scale between
"silly" and "offensive".  It is also, independent of your or
anyone else's opinions, false.

As Marilyn says, IAB members, and _especially_ the chair,
function as individual experts, independent of the strategies
and policies of their companies.  When I was chair, what I
brought to the IAB was whatever technical judgement I had on the
subjects at hand.  Perhaps AT&T's positions were better and more
informed than mine, perhaps less so, but the AT&T ones were not
represented on the IAB -- either by me or by the other IAB
member whose "day job" is with AT&T Labs Research.

Second, there was no handoff in any sense from AT&T to Verisign
or anyone else.   As I think you know from other correspondence
we have had, I left AT&T at the end of last year.  I didn't step
down from the IAB until mid-March.  And my stepping down didn't
have anything to do --one way or the other-- with my departure
from AT&T.

Finally, Leslie was selected as IAB Chair for one and only one
reason, which is the IAB members concluded that she was the best
person for the job.  I strongly supported her appointment for
that reason although, as an outgoing member, I don't know how
much influence I had over the result.  Knowing how the IAB works
and make decisions, I believe that most members completely
ignored her organizational affiliation once it was understood
that she would have the necessary resources and backing to do
the job.  I would not be surprised, however, to find out that
some members considered the Verisign affiliation to be a
liability but concluded that Leslie was the right person for the
job anyway.

The IETF does not function by organizational affiliation or
organizational appointments.  And the IAB (and, for that matter,
the IESG) function even less that way than the IETF as a whole.

    John Klensin


--On Friday, 12 April, 2002 22:24 -0400 "Cade,Marilyn S - LGA"
<mcade@att.com> wrote:

> Jefsey, I offer one comment to your "misportrayal"  of the
> announcement of a new chair for the IAB. 
> The IAB members and the chair step above their company
> affiliations and work for the good of the Internet community.
> That was true BEFORE John Klensin was IAB chair; WHILE he was
> chair, and WILL BE true with Leslie Daigle as chair.
> Companies do not chair the IAB; respected technologists and
> engineers of the Internet community do....elected by their
> peers.
> While AT&T was honored that the previous IAB chair worked for
> us in his "day job", we also understood and supported his role
> and independence on behalf of the Internet Community. And
> counted on it. :-)
> We trust that continues with Leslie's role as chair. 
> You should reconsider your "headline". It totally misportrays
> the integrity of this fine group of Internet leaders.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jefsey Morfin [mailto:jefsey@wanadoo.fr]
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 9:06 AM
> To: ecdiscuss@ec-pop.org
> Subject: [ecdiscuss] DNS independence
> For information. ATT steps down and Verisign takes over as IAB
> Chair. http://corporate.verisign.com/news/2002/pr_20020402.html
> jfc

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